Blog Entries

24. 05. 2024 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

OpenShift: How to Check and Reset Ceph Storage in Warning State

Every so often it may happen (in particular after a cluster update or hardware issues) that you see your storage in a warning state on OpenShift. The first thing to do is to check what’s wrong with your cluster: sometimes you may have a real issue, in other cases it may just be a temporary…

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14. 03. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Hosts, Zones and Broken Icinga 2 Configurations

During my experience as a Würth Phoenix consultant, I’ve seen a pretty long list of broken Icinga 2 configurations. Several times, customers have begun a scheduled meeting with something like “Hey mister consultant, ever since the last deploy some objects have stopped being monitored, but I don’t see any errors!”. After some troubleshooting, everything always…

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20. 08. 2018 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft WMI Monitoring – Some troubleshooting advice

In my previous blog I introduced the concepts of agentless monitoring via WMI for Microsoft environments:  from the preparation of suitable authentication credentials to providing some simple monitoring examples.  In this blog I would like to add more details about specific checks, and the possibilities for troubleshooting if you have difficulty fetching the desired data….

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