Blog Entries

21. 02. 2020 Tobias Goller Log Management, NetEye

Tornado Use Case with Elastic

Before I tell you about one of my latest customer requirements, I would like to briefly explain what our NetEye Tornado module is. In our user guide you will see it written that Tornado is the successor to NetEye’s Event Handler. It is a plugin-based, stateless, scalable rule matching engine written in Rust, based on…

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27. 09. 2019 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Tornado – The Processing Tree

Tornado is the spiritual successor of the NetEye EventHandler. As such, we took inspiration from its limitations, picking the most interesting ones, and trying to optimize for these scenarios. One example of this is the Processing Tree. In the past, all rules had to be placed in one of four predetermined groups, and events ran…

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17. 09. 2019 Angelo Rosace Log-SIEM, NetEye

How To: Using the Elastic Watcher Feature to React to Failed Login Attempts (Part 2)

Our continued development of the Tornado event processing module has led to a new set of functionalities and capabilities. Among these is the possibility of altering host and service statuses as the result of a certain event. Let’s look at a typical use case for this feature. Suppose you want to trigger a webhook that…

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30. 07. 2019 Angelo Rosace Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How To: Using the Elastic Watcher Feature to React to Failed Logon Attempts (Part 1)

The introduction of the new Elastic Features (formerly, X-Pack packages) for the Elastic Stack added many new functionalities to the previous implementation in Net-Eye. One of them is the Watcher feature. Let’s discuss a use case based on this feature. Imagine you as a user want to somehow trigger a webhook alert every time something…

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