Blog Entries

17. 05. 2024 Mattia Codato Development, DevOps, NetEye

Boosting NetEye CI Speed: Test Parallelization

In a previous blog post, we looked at how we sped up certain stages of the NetEye pipeline through parallelization. This boost not only lifted team spirits but, more importantly, ramped up the pace of delivering new features and bug fixes, giving everyone the motivation to keep enhancing the pipeline across different stages. In another…

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29. 12. 2023 Emil Fazzi Development, NetEye

Playwright Tests on the NetEye Guide

During the process of developing and improving the official NetEye user guide, some bugs regarding the display of the guide on mobile devices gave us the opportunity to innovate the development process of our product, extending the testing phase prior to the release of new versions of the NetEye user guide. In this blog post,…

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25. 05. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

Moving from Selenium to Playwright – Part 1

In order to visually test NetEye on browsers at each stage of development and before each release, we have a continuous integration (CI) step dedicated to Selenium testing. Selenium is a longtime open-source tool for browser automation; it’s a widely-used tool with a huge community of users. The framework is capable of automating and controlling…

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