Blog Entries

30. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

Terraform Integration with Ansible

In this blog post we’ll try a tool that’s new to me, called Terraform, and see how easy it is to integrate it with Ansible starting with no knowledge of Terraform. Terraform is a tool that allows you to automate resource provisioning; it uses HCL2 as the configuration language, and support has recently been added,…

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27. 03. 2019 Andrea Avancini NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform

Being able to perform automatic provisioning of infrastructure is becoming a must-have feature for teams that want to be able to automate their entire provisioning and deployment process, and the Wuerth Phoenix team is no exception. Tools like HashiCorp’s Terraform can help teams in reaching this goal by providing the capability of writing IaC (Infrastructure…

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