Blog Entries

09. 05. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic Application Monitoring with Alyvix

Synthetic Application Monitoring: Allows monitoring applications from the user’s point of view by simulating transaction sequences, followed by the measurement and recording of the perceived performance data. Would you like to be independent from subjective statements as “application XY is slow” or outage indications from your users? In this case, the concept of synthetic application…

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05. 09. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Release of Alyvix 2.3 Carnera New features to automate and measure application transactions [if you are not familiar with Alyvix, please have a look at the info-box at the bottom of this article] The new Alyvix master release 2.3  comes up with some major enhancements such as controllable precision and accuracy, more detailed reports and new performance…

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