Blog Entries

18. 11. 2009 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Monitoraggio avanzato Microsoft SQL Server

Esistono ormai vari Plugin Nagios che controllano la disponibilita’ e la reazione di un Database Server Microsoft. Un progetto con lo scopo di andare pero’ oltre questo monitoraggio e stato implementato e pubblicato sotto licenza GPL da un partner Nagios in Germania. Questo plugin, sviluppato in Perl, permette di estrarre e analizzare piu’ di 20…

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20. 08. 2009 Juergen Vigna Unified Monitoring

Misc Windows checks for Nagios

I just today saw a page with good ideas for check for a Windows/Exchange/SQL Server. This is the original link if you are interested Please pay attention when copy pasting it to your config files as you may have problems copy/past of the “ sign. Insert the following into you commands.cfg or define them…

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13. 08. 2009 NetEye Blog Admin Log Management, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft SQL Server Login Auditing with Logon Triggers

All time the same problem. We will audit whenever a member of one of the SQL Server administrative roles logs on to my SQL Server Instance, the standard SQL audit “Successful logins only” provides this information, the SQL Server logs every connection, but without a focus of the members from the SQL server administrative roles….

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