Blog Entries

02. 01. 2020 Michele Santuari Log-SIEM, NetEye

Elastic Stack Cluster with NetEye >= 4.8

In a previous blog post, I described how Elastic Stack fits within the High-Available cluster architecture of NetEye 4 and, in particular, how the correct configuration of the Quorum is mandatory to prevent losing your data or even developing inconsistencies. With the upgrade to NetEye 4.8, we updated Elastic Stack to the new major version…

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02. 07. 2019 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How To Recover from a DRBD9 Metadata Split Brain Situation

As soon as you manage more than a few DRBD resources distributed over a wide set of hardware, split brain situations cannot always be avoided. Standard split brains are caused by multiple nodes having different opinions about the latest state of the data on their local disk. Disclaimer: If applied incorrectly, commands in this blog…

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