Blog Entries

27. 05. 2024 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Check the Version of Your NetEye Cluster with Satellites

Whenever I upgrade a NetEye Cluster with all its Satellites, it’s important that no host is forgotten, and that all packages are installed (which can happen because an upgrade error occurred, for example if one forgot to call neteye_finalize_installation). So I thought it would be handy to have a script/plugin that shows the current version…

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05. 09. 2023 Rocco Pezzani Development, NetEye

Upgrading to the New nep-setup on NetEye 4.31

After a first semester full of great opportunities (many colleagues like to say so), the wheels have started turning again for NetEye Extension Packs. Now, a big evolution is beginning: in the near future, NEP will encompass the entire NetEye infrastructure, meaning it will also configure and manage NetEye Satellites. To do so, the current…

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07. 06. 2023 Federico Corona Red Team, SEC4U

Cracking the Code: Unveiling Data Breach Secrets through OSINT-driven Scripts

Welcome, today’s blog is dedicated to data breach analyses and evaluating their reliability. In an increasingly data-centric digital landscape, it’s crucial to delve into the complexities of data breaches and develop effective methods for determining the trustworthiness of the information they contain. In this blog, we’ll explore a professional approach to data breach analysis using…

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10. 01. 2023 Federico Corona Red Team, SEC4U

Red_Team_Script, a Powerful Script for Red Team Activities

Cybersecurity is a discipline that deals with protecting computer systems and digital data from attacks and security breaches. With the increasing use of technology and dependence on computer systems in everyday life, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. But what are the risks for those who don’t know how to protect themselves? Online security risks can…

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11. 08. 2021 Nicola Degara Unified Monitoring

Würth Phoenix Open Sources Atlassian Extension Scripts

Würth Phoenix is fully engaged with the Open Source world. In line with our high level of commitment, we have decided to open source our library of Atlassian integration scripts by sharing them with the community. Our initial release is a new repository containing the following Jira/Jira Service Management integration scripts: Importing clients from a…

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