Blog Entries

27. 05. 2024 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Check the Version of Your NetEye Cluster with Satellites

Whenever I upgrade a NetEye Cluster with all its Satellites, it’s important that no host is forgotten, and that all packages are installed (which can happen because an upgrade error occurred, for example if one forgot to call neteye_finalize_installation). So I thought it would be handy to have a script/plugin that shows the current version…

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04. 08. 2021 Tobias Goller NetEye

NetEye 4 Notifications from Satellites

Recently I was asked why alerting in a NetEye 4 environment isn’t run via the central master, but instead via the satellites. The background to this is that the NetEye Master is located in Italy, which controls various satellites in other European and African countries. It’s therefore a strategic decision that alarms are sent from…

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11. 01. 2021 Nicolae Caragia NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft Icinga2 Agent Deployment Automation with Tornado and NATS

As a NetEye user I might want to install a Remote Host Agent that belongs to a Zone that can’t communicate directly with the Master. So to be able to do this, we decided to use Tornado and NATS. Linking with Patrick’s article in this article I’ll explain how to configure them. What we want…

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