Blog Entries

29. 12. 2021 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Clockwork Automated Timesheet Free

As I promised you some time ago I want to tell you about a free App in the Atlassian Marketplace which for me is a must-have. The app is called Clockwork Automated Timesheet Free and it can be found on the Atlassian Marketplace. The numbers speak for themselves: More than 4,700 downloads at the end…

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28. 09. 2021 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Tips to use the Atlassian Marketplace

If you have an Atlassian product you should definitely learn how to explore the Atlassian Marketplace. The Atlassian Marketplace is the equivalent of the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. On the Atlassian Marketplace you can find thousands of Apps for your Atlassian product both Cloud and Server / Data Center. The Apps…

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30. 06. 2021 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Insight: A Simple Walkthrough

What is Insight? Insight is the Atlassian CMDB included in Jira Service Management Cloud Premium. If you’re reading this article, you probably already have Jira Service Management, but are not yet familiar with Insight. So let’s start with the first of a series of exercises that will help you learn more about cloud Insight and…

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31. 03. 2021 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Synchronize Jira Service Management Projects

Let’s suppose you need to synchronize 2 projects in Jira Service Management on two different Cloud instances (e.g., one could be yours and the other one of your supplier’s). Let’s explore two possible ways to get that done.  Say we have Project A on the site and Project B on the site. The…

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04. 01. 2021 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Monitor Your Project Budget in Jira

Are you managing your projects in Jira and want to control their expenses? HawkBudget could be the application for you, and its 30-day trial is free. Thanks to HawkBudget you can enter a budget target for your project and keep costs related to hours worked and expenses under control. Let’s start! If you’ve never downloaded…

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12. 12. 2020 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Roadmaps in Jira Software

Are you looking for a solution that allows you to manage issues and projects with Roadmap technology? Jira Software might be right for you, and the interesting thing is that you can try it out for free! In this article I’ll explain how. Choose the combination of Atlassian products that you think will help you…

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