Blog Entries

12. 09. 2024 Mattia Codato Development, DevOps

Publish NPM Package to GitHub Packages Registry with GitHub Actions

With the rise of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in modern software development, automating tasks like publishing npm packages has become crucial for efficiency. GitHub packages Registry ( allows developers to host and manage npm packages directly within GitHub, offering a seamless experience for both private and public repositories. By leveraging GitHub Actions, developers can…

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02. 04. 2021 Alessandro Valentini NetEye

RPM Package Verification

Why it’s important to use signed packages RPM signing is an often underestimated feature: you use official repositories, why shouldn’t you trust them? Those repositories are also probably protected with TLS encryption, so you feel safe against man-in-the-middle attacks. But you may not be as safe as you think you are. Have you heard about that time when the repository…

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