Blog Entries

11. 01. 2021 Enrico Alberti Log-SIEM, NetEye

Alerting on NetEye SIEM: Watcher & ‘Alerts and Actions’ (Part 1)

The main goal of a monitoring system like NetEye is to alert and notify you when something noteworthy happens in your environment. All the logs coming in to NetEye SIEM can be analyzed, and could raise one or more alerts in the Elastic Stack, such as detection, machine learning anomalies, etc. How can you make…

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23. 11. 2020 Rocco Pezzani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Certificate Inventory and Monitoring with NetEye

In the last 10-or-so years, the complexity of enterprise IT applications has greatly increased: each of them can span vertically with multiple (and complex) layers, and each layer can serve applications other than the one that it’s part of. And, obviously, each layer spans across several servers to increase performance and availability. This inevitably leads…

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22. 10. 2020 Alessandro Valentini NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Kentix MultiSensor-LAN: Integration with NetEye4

Kentix MultiSensor is a device which includes many sensors for use in monitoring server and IT rooms. The sensor only needs to be connected to your network (PoE is required) and to have SNMP configured through its web interface. The LAN version we used in this test monitors: Temperature Humidity Dewpoint Fire (carbon monoxide) Motion…

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28. 09. 2020 Mattia Codato Contribution, Development, Icinga News, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye – Icinga2 Execute Command API

In the last few weeks, we collaborated with the Icinga2 developers to create a new powerful API, called “Execute Command“. The main purpose of this new API is to execute specific commands on a node by sending the request to the parent node. This is useful when the user cannot reach the desired node (an…

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31. 08. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo Development, NetEye

Getting in Touch with the Flux Language and NetEye

NetEye is a constantly evolving solution that allows you to monitor the status of heterogeneous objects and collect metrics from different sources. Properly correlated, this data can become an important source of information for your business. With the 4.13 release we added an important tool that allows you to manage data: we upgraded InfluxDB to…

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20. 08. 2020 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Understand Which Agents you Need to Upgrade

As you may already know, starting with version 4.12 NetEye 4 upgraded its Icinga 2 engine from version 2.10.5 to version 2.11.3. At every training session, I always emphasize this rule: Icinga 2 Master Instance version >= Icinga 2 Satellite Instance version >= Icinga 2 Agent Instance version And thus everyone expects that his or…

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19. 08. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo Icinga Web 2, NetEye

NetEye 4 Template Library (NTL) and Icinga Template Library

NetEye4 provides the Icinga Template Library and includes several plugins ready for use. The Icinga Template Library (ITL) implements standard templates and object definitions which allows for the very quick and effective use of plugins. These definitions are read-only and available through the Icinga Director > Commands > External Commands menu. Most of the plugins…

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23. 06. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Identify and Monitor Active Directory Domain Controllers with NetEye 4

NetEye 4, thanks to the Director module, offers very powerful mechanisms when it comes to fetching data from external data sources. Among the external resources that can be configured in NetEye 4 there is clearly LDAP / Active Directory. This type of resource can be used for multiple purposes: Authentication of users Import of LDAP…

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14. 02. 2020 Andreas Foerster NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring SAP Systems Using NetEye 4

The Challenge: The automatic setup of around 80-90 SAP-Servers running several releases and flavors of SAP software in NetEye 4 by: Automatically importing SAP hosts, databases and instance definitions Automatically applying a set of basic services to each level of monitoring (OS, database, and SAP Basis) depending on the host, database and instance definitions imported…

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27. 06. 2019 Giuseppe Di Garbo Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

Network Performance Monitoring Automation with NetEye 4

Automating the monitoring process in Enterprise environments is a challenge that led Icinga to create features such as their REST API and the Icinga Director module. In both new NetEye4 projects and those being migrated from NetEye3 to NetEye4, this challenge is one of the aspects that I highlight the most and is certainly one…

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27. 03. 2019 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye 4 Performance and Tactical Monitoring Overview

In one of my previous posts I described how to create a customized NetEye 3 Tactical Monitoring Overview dashboard with Grafana and Telegraf. Here I’d like to show you how you can create a similar dashboard (much faster) for NetEye 4. The NetEye 4 Tactical Overview quickly provides basic information on the status of hosts, services…

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