Blog Entries

18. 03. 2025 Rocco Pezzani Icinga Web 2, ITOA, NetEye, UI, Unified Monitoring

A First Step towards Multitenancy in Icinga 2

Our older customers surely know that, in its earliest releases, NetEye 4 had no support for multitenancy. From a data perspective, there’s just one big bin we throw everything into to be used later. Then, a debate about multitenancy began. Here at Würth Phoenix we’ve discussed at length about the best way to segregate data…

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11. 10. 2021 Giovanni Davide Saccá NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Distributed, Multi-Instance nProbe: NetFlow Analysis

A client with a really large number of routers installed at their client asked me one day to analyze each of those network flows. They hoped that an analysis tool would be able to discover and impose a multitenant configuration all on its own, so that access could be granted to final users while guaranteeing…

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02. 10. 2020 Damiano Chini Development, NetEye

NetEye Communication over NATS

In a previous post we talked about how in NetEye we migrated all the Tornado communications from direct TCP to NATS. Since then, we’ve extensively and successfully adopted NATS as a communication channel for many of the components present in NetEye. As often happens when approaching new technologies, the initial straightforward approach did not turn…

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11. 03. 2019 Stefano Bruno Log-SIEM, NetEye

Segregated Multitenancy Monitoring: The Satellite and the Essential Role of the CA-Proxy

In many circumstances, monitoring systems need to be extended to locations where we have no direct control. We can think for instance of a company that provides monitoring services to various customers: each with its own firewalls and each with its own security rules. The deployment of firewall rules from the central monitoring node to…

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