Blog Entries

07. 08. 2015 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Update neteye-plugins package 1.15.3-1

The neteye-plugins package has been updated with this fixes:

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22. 07. 2015 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Bring UPS Monitoring To a New Level

As described on one of my previous post about UPS Monitoring we developed a NetEye check plugin to monitor the UPS devices and report data on them. In the past months we have been working on this features by adding a lot of more devices to the plugin. These devices are UPSs and energy stations….

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20. 03. 2014 Andrea di Lernia NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

End User Experience and traditional monitoring: a perfect match

One of the main challenge in the IT monitoring is the ability to execute complex web service tests to obtain objective KPI able to evaluate the end user experience. As every company we also needed to control our web applications such as the Exchange 2013, our Service Desk solution EriZone powered by OTRS, our reporting…

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12. 03. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience

Georg Kostner presents Al’exa at the CeBIT

Video live-stream from the CeBIT: the End User Experience with the Open Source project Al’exa. The live presentation had been already held. The download version will be available soon. We’ll keep you up to date.

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Java Application Monitoring

Modern Java application servers can be a complex construct of services and business logic. It is not possible to monitor them through conventional ways, like checking if a process is running. Within a Java application server multiple components are bundled together, to hold logic and provide intelligence for the application. For everyone who has some…

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06. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

NetEye at the Open Source Conference in Milan

Georg last week presented its enhanced IT Service Management offer with NetEye at the yearly Open Source Conference in Milan. The breakout session pointed out the advantages in implementing NetEye for the Network Traffic Monitoring and focused also on Al´exa. Al’exa, which has recently been integrated in the NetEye offer simulates the end user behavior to…

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30. 08. 2013 Tobias Goller NetEye

AS/400 monitoring with NetEye

During the implementation of a NetEye project, one of our customer had the need to integrate into NetEye the checks performed on AS400 environments. In this context, we have realized a custom integration that allows users to directly understand the performance of various AS4/00 processes in NetEye and to receive notifications in case of anomalies…

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02. 08. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

New SNMP Interface table on the switch ports

The new  SNMP_Interface_Table, that has been integrated into NetEye, aims to monitor all the switch ports. The check , in fact, provides detailed information and the respective graphs on the single ports for the inbound and outbound traffic. What is particularly interesting about this check is the easy and quick setup, in fact through a…

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25. 10. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

CheckPoint Firewall Hardware Monitoring

In addition to the where you can keep control of active connections, the Secure Virtual Network or the HA status I wanted to keep track of the basic hardware conditions of CP devices. For this I’ve extended the ( ) adding in addition to other platforms also the SNMP support for CheckPoint firewalls….

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07. 08. 2012 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to monitor IBM storage

A customer has recently required to monitor their IBM Storewize V7000. The  control of the SAN IBM was crucial for the company as these systems were in  failover with critical data replication. It was frequently happening that the  replication process was interrupted and till now no solutions were implemented  to send prompt notifications in case…

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22. 04. 2012 Luca Di Stefano Real User Experience

Real User Experience Monitoring: How to handle a load balancer

The Real User Experience Monitoring (RUM) is a new approach adopted to provide specific control on IT services and systems, allowing to analyse the performance and response time that the user really experiences. If you have an application behind a load balancer and the probe is between the client and the load balancer, the RUM retrieves…

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20. 08. 2009 Juergen Vigna Unified Monitoring

Misc Windows checks for Nagios

I just today saw a page with good ideas for check for a Windows/Exchange/SQL Server. This is the original link if you are interested Please pay attention when copy pasting it to your config files as you may have problems copy/past of the “ sign. Insert the following into you commands.cfg or define them…

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23. 04. 2009 Georg Kostner NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Alimentazione ridondante con un solo alimentatore in NetEye

Durante l’implementazione di NetEye in un data center si é posta la problematica di allimentare l’appliance di NetEye, il quale ha solo un alimentore interno, da due sorgenti di corrente alternativi. Come soluzione l’appliance é stata collegata ad un Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) dell’ APC modello AP7721. Nel caso in cui, per una qualsiasi ragione…

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