Blog Entries

18. 03. 2025 Rocco Pezzani Icinga Web 2, ITOA, NetEye, UI, Unified Monitoring

A First Step towards Multitenancy in Icinga 2

Our older customers surely know that, in its earliest releases, NetEye 4 had no support for multitenancy. From a data perspective, there’s just one big bin we throw everything into to be used later. Then, a debate about multitenancy began. Here at Würth Phoenix we’ve discussed at length about the best way to segregate data…

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06. 12. 2023 Alessandro Romboli Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

Monitoring a Business Process

Scenario NetEye 4 is a comprehensive monitoring platform which natively supports Business Processes. A Business Process is an abstract view of a customer’s Business from the Application point of view. Usually, it’s a collection of Icinga2 checks aggregated by “AND, OR, At Least” logics in order to monitor if a Business Application is really available…

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07. 08. 2023 Alessandro Romboli Business Service Monitoring, ITOA, NetEye

From Icinga 2 Monitoring to ITOA

Scenario NetEye 4 is a comprehensive monitoring platform which natively supports Icinga 2 checks on remote hosts and devices. Several Icinga 2 checks support an historical view of the status. An example is the firewall interface performance status below, which displays a Performance Graph: Getting a better overview All the graph data generated by the…

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21. 04. 2023 Alessandro Romboli Business Service Monitoring, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Veritas Backup Exec

Scenario Veritas Backup Exec is widely used for the backup of physical machines through local installed agents both on Windows and Linux hosts. It also supports application backup for Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint and several different Database engines, with the option of a granular application data restore. The product additionally supports virtual backup through Hyper-V and…

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15. 12. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye

Strategies for Secret Management

In my previous blog post, we had a long discussion about how Icinga 2 manages its configuration in a Distributed Monitoring environment and how this can lead to unwanted disclosure of sensitive data, be it Secrets or Personal Data. The post ended with a set of recommendations/best practices that can be summarized in the statement…

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30. 09. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye

Secret Management with NetEye Monitoring

Today I want to talk about a topic that, although it is (and always has to be) in the spotlight, is seeing its popularity skyrocket even more in recent months: how to handle Secrets and Personal Data with NetEye. And I’m not talking about the right way to use Director’s Data Fields, how to hide…

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22. 03. 2022 Tobias Goller Icinga Web 2, Machine Learning, NetEye

Performance Metrics Collection from NetEye to Elastic

Today my objective is to collect the performance metrics from various NetEye Icinga checks and write them out to Elasticsearch so I can apply Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to identify potential anomalies. This is a task that’s not possible with the open-source version of InfluxDB installed in NetEye. Moreover, this data in Elastic is used…

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06. 12. 2021 Rocco Pezzani ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Metrics on NetEye Monitoring

(Or, Who’s Monitoring the Monitor?) Everyone uses a monitoring system to understand what’s going on in their own environment and how it performs, but what about the monitoring system itself? The monitoring system also has its own tasks to perform, and obviously its own needs. Therefore even NetEye itself, while performing its duties, can be…

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22. 10. 2021 Franco Federico NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Dynamic Folders with Icinga DSL

We were recently asked how to dynamically monitor folders with Icinga. Several of our clients monitor folders whose names change from day to day. For example, suppose every day I want to see if there is a file named with the date of that particular day, or I’d like to see if there is a…

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04. 08. 2021 Tobias Goller NetEye

NetEye 4 Notifications from Satellites

Recently I was asked why alerting in a NetEye 4 environment isn’t run via the central master, but instead via the satellites. The background to this is that the NetEye Master is located in Italy, which controls various satellites in other European and African countries. It’s therefore a strategic decision that alarms are sent from…

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08. 07. 2021 Franco Federico Unified Monitoring

How to Monitor a Complex Veeam-based Backup System

Veeam is a widely used and well-known backup system. A customer recently asked me if he could check on the operation of his Veeam-based backup system by verifying the Windows event log, since the standard checks used within the community did not provide him with the current status of his Veeam infrastructure. This use case…

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30. 06. 2021 Mattia Codato Development, NetEye

Live Modification

In Würth Phoenix we usually organize a workshop with the Icinga2 team twice a year. These workshops are an opportunity for all participants to show the latest developments, propose new ideas and explore new solutions. They’re always very inspiring days with an incredible flow of ideas and a lot of code written. During this year’s…

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28. 05. 2021 Juergen Vigna Contribution, ITOA, NetEye

Monitoring Host Availability inside Grafana

A frequent request I get is how to view the availability of hosts and/or services within a Grafana dashboard. Here I demonstrate how to do this for host availability. To implement this, we first create a new table in our MariaDB on NetEye. I’ll call this table host_daily_sla and put it in the pre-existing reporting…

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02. 04. 2021 Mattia Codato Development, NetEye

NetEye Smart Director

With the new NetEye 4.17 release, we’ve introduced a new feature: Smart Director. What is Smart Director? Smart Director is an extension of IcingaWeb2’s Director module that allows an operator to immediately deploy host and service changes without executing the classic Director deployment. Why another Director? The NetEye team implemented this fantastic feature to meet…

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28. 09. 2020 Mattia Codato Contribution, Development, Icinga News, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye – Icinga2 Execute Command API

In the last few weeks, we collaborated with the Icinga2 developers to create a new powerful API, called “Execute Command“. The main purpose of this new API is to execute specific commands on a node by sending the request to the parent node. This is useful when the user cannot reach the desired node (an…

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