Blog Entries

07. 03. 2018 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

Analyze your OpenLDAP Logs

Suppose you have an OpenLDAP Server and you want to analyze what it does.  A good way to do this is to send the logs to NetEye’s LogServer.  Some elements you will see include: – Returned Entries! (ENTRY) – Search Operations! (SEARCH) – Total Connections! (BIND) To do this you need to add a new…

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21. 12. 2017 Massimiliano De Luca Log-SIEM, NetEye

GROK: Instructions for Use

Grok is a plug-in installed by default in Logstash, which is supplied with the Elastic package (the ELK – Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana), one of the integrated modules in our NetEye Unified Monitoring solution.What is this plug-in for? First of all, Grok is an English neologism that means  “to understand profoundly, intuitively or by empathy,…

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