Blog Entries

09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset con GLPI ed OCS Inventory

Tutti i nostri clienti che utilizzano l’asset management integrato in NetEye conoscono bene le potenzialità offerte da OCS Inventory e GLPI e dalla loro integrazione. Spesso però non tutte le funzionalità vengono sfruttate per la gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset. Tra le caratteristiche disponibili per una gestione completa del ciclo di vita degli…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Life Cycle Asset Management with GLPI and OCS Inventory

If you are using our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye, you probably already know about the potential of OCS Inventory and GLPI. However, often users are not aware of all the functionalities available in Life Cycle Asset Management. So let’s highlight some of the most important features to manage the entire life cycle of…

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21. 12. 2016 Davide Bizzarri NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to Create a GLPI Plugin

Introduction Plugins are used to extend and modify the functions of GLPI. In this tutorial, we will see how to create from scratch a GLPI plugin for cloning Computers . This tutorial presumes that you have basic knowledge of GLPI. Prerequisites GLPI <= 0.85 1. Creating a new plugin Localize the installation folder of GLPI. In our case…

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21. 07. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, NetEye

Diventa un esperto GLPI! 20-21 settembre – Bolzano

Ti invitiamo al training per la gestione di componenti hardware e software di apparecchiature informatiche e l’assistenza “Help desk” con GLPI. Le giornate formative, realizzate da Würth Phoenix, ti offriranno la possibilità di entrare in contatto con i nostri esperti per approfondire le tue conoscenze amministrative e ottimizzare i processi di manutenzione della tua azienda….

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20. 04. 2015 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, NetEye

GLPI Plugin UPDATE: Automatic Recognition of network devices and their modules

There are some important new features available regarding the GLPI Plugin about which I wrote in my earlier article Automatic Recognition: Network Devices and their Modules. As described in that post, the GLPI Plugin, which is available since version 3.5 of NetEye, permits the automatic recognition and administration of all your network devices. The plugin…

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30. 06. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, NetEye

Automatic Recognition: Network Devices and their Modules

NetEye 3.5 will permit you the automatic recognition and administration of all your network devices. Through the implementation of an interface between the two existing modules GLPI (asset management solution within NetEye) and NeDi (network discovery) we were able to facilitate the overall asset management. This interface was realized as a standard GLPI Plugin. So…

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14. 04. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-glpi packages version 0.83.91

This is a fixrelease for glpi 0.83: – CVE-2013-2225 + CVE-2013-2227 : Security fix ( serialize + filter classname for autoload) – Fix in contract notifications entity params

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06. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Virtual Machine Inventory

An IT organization today needs to have all the hardware, software and licenses information in order to negotiate with suppliers through a target strategy or to perform timely updates. A complete inventory system is therefore a must. As you may already know, NetEye provides the Inventory and Asset Management modules through the integration of GLPI…

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28. 10. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Rack management with GLPI

Have you ever had the need to manage in your inventory the location and the content of your racks? The plugin Bays Management for GLPI can also be adopted to meet this need. With the plugin it is possible to create and manage your rack and to locate the various components. In this way it is…

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14. 09. 2012 Thomas Forrer Service Management

New OTRS add-ons: drop down from DB and text area from DB

In OTRS it is not possible to retrieve data from external DB, for this reason I have recently developed two new add-ons able to query directly on a database at runtime to fill in “possible values”. These add-ons are two new instances of dynamic fields in OTRS 3.1.x: a drop down from DB and a…

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