Blog Entries

12. 09. 2024 Mattia Codato Development, DevOps

Publish NPM Package to GitHub Packages Registry with GitHub Actions

With the rise of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in modern software development, automating tasks like publishing npm packages has become crucial for efficiency. GitHub packages Registry ( allows developers to host and manage npm packages directly within GitHub, offering a seamless experience for both private and public repositories. By leveraging GitHub Actions, developers can…

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11. 08. 2021 Nicola Degara Unified Monitoring

Würth Phoenix Open Sources Atlassian Extension Scripts

Würth Phoenix is fully engaged with the Open Source world. In line with our high level of commitment, we have decided to open source our library of Atlassian integration scripts by sharing them with the community. Our initial release is a new repository containing the following Jira/Jira Service Management integration scripts: Importing clients from a…

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