Blog Entries

17. 03. 2023 Beatrice Dall'Omo Red Team, SEC4U

How to Set Up an Effective Phishing Campaign

In 2022, more than half of Italian companies suffered at least one email attack despite the presence of spam filters, blacklisted domains and other available solutions for blocking threats. This shows how crucial it is for companies to both test their employees’ awareness about security and invest in training. A phishing campaign includes scam emails…

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23. 05. 2022 Mirko Morandini Cloud, Service Management

Office365/Google Mail Users: Migrate Your EriZone/OTRS Mail Accounts to OAuth2 Authentication NOW!

Both Microsoft and Google will terminate within summer/autumn 2022 the possibility of accessing POP and IMAP mailboxes using usernames and passwords! In the course of the year 2022 Microsoft and Google will terminate support for Basic Auth (the authentication with username and password) for some web services and pass to a more secure method, often…

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10. 04. 2009 Juergen Vigna Unified Monitoring

Notifiche Nagios oltre SMS e E-Mail

Chi usa Nagios sa che uno delle funzionalità essenziali é la notificazione su problemi critici. Normalmente si usa l’email o SMS come sistema di notificazione, specialmente in ambiente dove un GSM Modem é presente come nel caso di NetEye in qui il GSM Modem é attaccato direttamente all’Appliance. Aver collegato il GSM Modem direttamente all’Appliance…

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