Blog Entries

27. 06. 2024 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Streamlining Icinga Director with Grafana

Icinga Director is a powerful configuration tool included in NetEye that streamlines the process of defining and managing monitoring configurations. However, you may encounter issues with duplicate addresses and spaces in hostnames, which can lead to confusion and monitoring inaccuracies. In this post, I’ll discuss these common problems and introduce a Grafana dashboard solution to…

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22. 12. 2023 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

Hostgroup Ping Dashboard

Hostgroups are a grouping of hosts with similar characteristics such as geographical location, type, severity, environment, operating system, applications and much more. Hostgroups can be created for multiple purposes such as: The default Host Group view is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable and useful ones in NetEye because, for each group, it immediately shows…

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04. 01. 2023 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

Using GLPI with the Metabase Open Source BI Tool for Visualizing Rich Reports and Dashboards

Asset management/CMDB tools play (or should play!) a central role in IT operations and management, gathering data from hardware assets on contracts, software licenses, network configurations, tickets and many more. The key task is to keep all this data consistent and up to date. Rigor in manual data insertion and the careful integration of automation…

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21. 10. 2022 Giuseppe Di Garbo Icinga Web 2, ITOA, NetEye

A Custom Dashboard for Windows and Linux Servers

The performance graphs present in NetEye are very useful for getting an immediate idea of the trend related to a service check, but they’re still limited to the metric being viewed. Also, the “Show all graphs” option available from the Actions menu of each monitored Host can have different usage limits due to the presence…

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29. 12. 2021 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

Business Processes and Dashboards

The Business Process module is one of the most useful modules in NetEye, but it’s often underestimated. A Business Process offers a way to model relations between monitored objects by NetEye (host and services), allowing you to model applications or infrastructures. They also allow you to drill down into the details, from high-level services to…

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22. 10. 2021 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye Problems Dashboard

Do you need a customizable dashboard to better track problems detected by NetEye? Here’s one: WARNING This dashboard does not take into account the user’s role and related permissions and it is intended for use by an administrator on an on-premise non multi-tenant installation of NetEye. USE CASE The standard Problems display (divided into two…

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19. 09. 2021 Rocco Pezzani ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Understanding Instability in a Monitored Environment

Whenever a new monitoring project gets underway, a consultant discusses with the customer about almost any related topic: what needs to be monitored, how to monitor it, when to implement it, how to represent performance data, etc. Based on customer needs and desires, any sort of implementation strategy can be planned, but almost all of…

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01. 04. 2021 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye Home Dashboard

“A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question” “Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it“ Following the two best practices mentioned above I would like to consider the following use case: I am a NetEye customer with a single node implementation and I would like a dashboard that helps me to…

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26. 02. 2021 Franco Federico Log-SIEM, NetEye

What’s Happening Right Now in My Active Directory?

We recently integrated two dashboards into NetEye SIEM to check what is happening within Active Directory, a component that is present in the vast majority of our customer environments. These two dashboards start from the collection of security events that are gathered across the various Windows servers that make up the infrastructure, and are then…

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