Blog Entries

14. 12. 2023 Massimo Giaimo SEC4U

Enrichment of the Ransomfeed Project

There are community projects that, once implemented, become true points of reference. One of these is certainly the DRM – Dashboard Ransomware Monitor project. This project, founded by Dario Fadda in 2020, monitors ransomware groups through scraping activities, to store claims regarding victims within a permanent RSS feed. However not everyone knows that starting from…

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10. 01. 2023 Francesco Pavanello Blue Team, SEC4U

Spam Trap Box – A Powerful Method to Detect Phishing Attempts

It’s more and more common to receive emails asking for credentials. They usually say that there’s some kind of issue that can only be solved by accessing the involved service using the link inside the message text. In most cases these emails are malicious, intended to steal users’ or employees’ credentials and gain access to…

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05. 12. 2022 Massimo Giaimo Exposure Assessment

HackInBo Business Edition – Winter 2022 – Our Participation

On December 2 we participated, as platinum sponsors, in the second edition of the HackInBo Business event. For 10 years, HackInBo has been one of the most important IT security conferences in Italy, and for this edition too we wanted to give our contribution by participating with a 40-minute talk. The formula of the event…

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28. 10. 2021 Simone Cagol Blue Team, Exposure Assessment, SEC4U

Cyber Threat Intelligence: Enrichment with SATAYO IoC

One of the important elements of Cyber Threat Intelligence activity is the verification of IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) that can identify threats that can create an impact on your organization. In parallel to our OSINT and Cyber Threat Intelligence SATAYO platform we have implemented the SATAYO IoC database which currently has about 900,000 elements. Among…

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