Blog Entries

15. 12. 2022 Fabrizio Dovesi Service Management

Data-driven Models – the Ultimate Fighter Against a Company’s Complexity 👊 – Part 1 of 2

Guidelines for data-driven models for managing data complexity and designing robust systems that might be considered both a single-source-of-truth and a single-point-of-contact. In the last few decades the world has truly turned into a data jungle: digital evolutions expose people and companies to dealing with data complexity management, a topic which has rapidly turned into…

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29. 09. 2022 Gabriele Cecco Asset Management

Jira Discovery: how to have devices always updated

Here we are at the third part of this journey. After seeing how to discover assets and how to import assets discovered by the Discovery-Tool into Jira, in this part we will see how to set up a service and ensure that the objects imported into the Asset module are always up to date. The…

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13. 09. 2022 Fabrizio Dovesi Service Management

“Würth Phoenix Automation Rules! ” – How to Save Time and Money with Jira Cloud Automations

A deep dive into the Jira Cloud Automations, by exploring how they work, who can manage them and, most importantly, why they will definitively save you money and time (…and not only). In ITIL4 there are 7 guiding principles, listed below, recommended to organizations. By definition: “A guiding principle is a recommendation that provides universal…

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27. 06. 2022 Gabriele Cecco Asset Management

Jira Discovery: how to import discovered assets

Here we are with the second part of our article. If you missed the first one, here’s the link: In this second part we will see how to import assets discovered using the Jira Discovery Tool. Let’s go into our Jira Service Management: Create a new Object Schema that we will call Import: Next…

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27. 06. 2022 Attilio Broglio NetEye

Automatically Cleaning up Old Services  in NetEye 4

Introduction In this article I’ll introduce a feature that some customers have frequently asked for. The customers’ request is linked to the fact that automation (whether via Tornado, ad-hoc scripts, etc.) generate a lot of services “on the fly”, for example as shown in my previous blog post. These services are created, updated and eventually…

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18. 03. 2022 Gabriele Cecco Asset Management

Jira Discovery: a quick way to manage your assets

Are you a user of Jira Service Management Cloud, do you have the premium version and would you like to use the discovery tool to have a scheme where you can automatically receive updates on devices connected to your network? Well, follow this very simple tutorial and you will have a mapping of your network…

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01. 10. 2021 Andrea Avancini Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

Hosts and NetEye Upgrade

NetEye installation topology can fluctuate over time, with hosts of various types that can be, for example, added or removed from a cluster in response to changes in business demand or customer requirements. In a cluster environment, hosts are manually mapped in a file called /etc/neteye-cluster, a sort of static inventory solution that is the…

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30. 06. 2021 Andrea Avancini NetEye

The NetEye Upgrade Command: Tips & Tricks

Ever since NetEye 4.11, the NetEye upgrade procedure has been automated with the neteye upgrade command. This command performs several checks to ensure that: The currently installed version is eligible to obtain the upgrade The system is healthy The latest OS and NetEye updates and bug fixes have been installed Then, if the checks are…

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02. 04. 2021 Andrea Avancini NetEye

Signing NetEye RPMs

When you have to publicly release software like we do with NetEye every two months, it’s fundamental that users can verify that software: in our case that the RPMs that we build come from us and not from someone who pretends to be us, that they have not been tampered with, and that they do…

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23. 12. 2020 Thomas Forrer Development, NetEye

Adopting Pulp 2: A Migration Journey #2

In the previous chapter of this blog post series, we discussed how Würth Phoenix has recently adopted Pulp as its main repository management platform. To briefly recap, Pulp is a free and open-source platform for managing repositories of software packages and artifacts and making them available to a larger audience. The types of packages and…

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23. 12. 2020 Andrea Avancini NetEye

How to Verify the Integrity of Your NetEye 4 ISO Image

When installing our favorite Linux distribution, the first thing we do is download the official installation image, an ISO file, from the distribution website or a third party site. Imagine for example that CentOS has just released a new version, and we are eager to give this new version a try by performing a fresh…

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30. 09. 2020 Andrea Avancini NetEye

Adopting Pulp 2: A Migration Journey #1

Distributing software content and making it available to users is not an easy task. First, you can have many different types of content like RPMs, ISO files, Python packages, and so on and so forth. And then, repositories often change. In the R&D team, we’re always implementing new features and fixing bugs, which in other…

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30. 06. 2020 Andrea Avancini Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

Automating Procedures: The NetEye Upgrade Command

Upgrading a NetEye 4 installation, either as a cluster or a single instance, is not always a painless activity. NetEye 4 is, in fact, a very sophisticated product that offers its customers a very large number of features, and operates in complex and business-critical environments. From version to version, the upgrade procedure may change: as…

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23. 06. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Identify and Monitor Active Directory Domain Controllers with NetEye 4

NetEye 4, thanks to the Director module, offers very powerful mechanisms when it comes to fetching data from external data sources. Among the external resources that can be configured in NetEye 4 there is clearly LDAP / Active Directory. This type of resource can be used for multiple purposes: Authentication of users Import of LDAP…

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27. 03. 2020 Andrea Avancini Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

NetEye Automatic Provisioning in vSphere — Part 3

In the previous blog post in our #devops series, we discussed how to automatically provision a NetEye cluster with virtually zero hassle. Thanks to Ansible, in fact, we dramatically reduced the amount of manual effort needed to generate a fully working cluster. This, in turn, opened up an opportunity to boost our cluster testing infrastructure…

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