Blog Entries

05. 09. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Release of Alyvix 2.3 Carnera New features to automate and measure application transactions [if you are not familiar with Alyvix, please have a look at the info-box at the bottom of this article] The new Alyvix master release 2.3  comes up with some major enhancements such as controllable precision and accuracy, more detailed reports and new performance…

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21. 12. 2015 Juergen Vigna Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

End-To-End Monitoring presented at the OSMC in Nuremberg

Mid November I had the opportunity to present our End-To-End Monitoring solution Alyvix at the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) in Nuremberg.

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24. 09. 2015 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience

Improve Your User’s Experience

With the release of Alyvix 2, End-User-Experience Monitoring reaches a new level. Since, in association with the optimization of business success, end user experience is gaining more and more importance, a dedicated monitoring strategy becomes essential for goal-oriented companies. Users have to rely on faultlessly working applications independent of time, location and device. To assure…

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08. 06. 2015 Susanne Greiner Machine Learning, Real User Experience

Statistics and Machine Learning Techniques for RUE

In the age of the cloud the optimization of real end-user experience (RUE) is getting essential for success. On the one hand users expect applications to work faultlessly independent of the time, location, and device one is using them from. Application performance monitoring (APM) is therefore often based on RUE performance metrics. On the other…

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02. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience

Al´exa: the potential of a young project

The traditional monitoring systems are measuring only the performance of single IT components, but not the reliability and availability of the IT services from the end user perspective. The classical methods of control, even if the entire infrastructure seems to work properly, are not able to guarantee the service performances as they are perceived by…

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