Blog Entries

24. 02. 2015 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Real User Experience

End User Experience Training in Padua

It often happens that users complain of IT services, especially aout performance and response time. With a traditional monitoring strategy it is not always so immediate to identify the cause of these problems. The proactive identification of potential bottlenecks is therefore a must for a company that wants to increase the usability of the various…

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12. 03. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience

Georg Kostner presents Al’exa at the CeBIT

Video live-stream from the CeBIT: the End User Experience with the Open Source project Al’exa. The live presentation had been already held. The download version will be available soon. We’ll keep you up to date.

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07. 03. 2014 NetEye Blog Admin Events

Al´exa auf der CeBIT: Live-Stream am 12.3 ab 11.30h

Wie bereits angekündigt wird am 12. März Georg Al’exa auf der CeBIT vorstellen, das ausgehend von einer horizontalen Messung der Auslieferungsperformance die Leistungsqualität aus dem Blickwinkel des Anwenders überprüft.  Wer nicht vor Ort in Hannover ist – die Präsentation wird via Livestream auf unserm Blog übertragen. Einfach am Mittwoch um 11.30 einloggen. Auf Wunsch können Sie auch eine Reminder-Mail unter…

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02. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience

Al´exa: the potential of a young project

The traditional monitoring systems are measuring only the performance of single IT components, but not the reliability and availability of the IT services from the end user perspective. The classical methods of control, even if the entire infrastructure seems to work properly, are not able to guarantee the service performances as they are perceived by…

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06. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

NetEye at the Open Source Conference in Milan

Georg last week presented its enhanced IT Service Management offer with NetEye at the yearly Open Source Conference in Milan. The breakout session pointed out the advantages in implementing NetEye for the Network Traffic Monitoring and focused also on Al´exa. Al’exa, which has recently been integrated in the NetEye offer simulates the end user behavior to…

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24. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

Al’exa and NetEye at the Open Source Monitoring Conference

Georg has presented the potentiality of Al’exa and the benefits of the integration with NetEye at the OSMC (Open Source Monitoring Conference), which was held in Nuremberg, 22 – 24 October. The end user experience monitoring approach provided by Al’exa allows to monitor the availability and reliability of any applications also published via Citrix and…

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27. 06. 2013 Alan Pipitone NetEye

Application Performance Monitoring: Al’exa vs. Sikuli

In this post I will provide a comparison between Sikuli and Al’exa. Sikuli is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces by comparing screenshot images. Al’exa, instead, is a computer vision system that allows to test and monitor the applications by simulating the human behavior. How does Sikuli work? Sikuli is a…

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