Blog Entries

04. 05. 2017 Matteo Baruchello NetEye, Unified Monitoring

SNMP – Agentless Monitoring

In this article, I am going to explain how to implement a monitoring on your system, using an agentless solution (without Nagios’ nrpe agents), and I will underline some advantages of this useful solution. The target machine will be Linux or Unix Operating Systems. The need can arise from the fact that some of the…

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04. 05. 2017 Matteo Baruchello Configuration Management, NetEye

SNMP – Monitoraggio senza agenti

In questo articolo, cercherò di spiegare come implementare un monitoraggio su macchine Linux/Unix senza installare un agente Nagios (nrpe), sottolineandone inoltre alcuni vantaggi. L’esigenza potrebbe essere dettata dal fatto che alcuni sistemi operativi non supportano nativamente l’agente Nagios o il cliente non è intenzionato ad installare software di terze parti, poiché ritiene il proprio sistema…

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04. 05. 2017 Matteo Baruchello Configuration Management, NetEye

SNMP – Agentenloses Monitoring

In diesem Artikel möchte ich Ihnen erklären wie Sie ein agentenloses System-Monitoring (ohne den nrpe Agent von Nagios) für eine Linux/Unix Umgebung implementieren können und werde gleichzeitig die Vorteile dieser Herangehensweise unterstreichen. Der Bedarf einer Überwachung ohne Agenten, kann verschiedene Ursprünge haben. Einerseits kann es sein, dass manche Betriebssysteme den Nagios-Agent nicht unterstützen oder, dass…

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03. 05. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Service Management

NetEye 3.10 and EriZone 5.1 have been released!

We are proud to announce the release of new minor versions of our IT System & Service Management solutions NetEye and EriZone. Go to the official  Release Notes of NetEye 3.10 (IT System Management solution) Go to the official Release Notes of EriZone 5.1 (IT Service Management solution)

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03. 05. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, NetEye

Sono stati rilasciati NetEye 3.10 e EriZone 5.1!

Siamo fieri di poter annunciare il rilascio delle nuove minor release delle nostre soluzioni di IT System & Service Management NetEye e EriZone. Release Notes di NetEye 3.10 (IT System Management) Release Notes of EriZone 5.1 (IT Service Management)

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03. 05. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, NetEye

NetEye 3.10 und EriZone 5.1 stehen ab sofort zur Verfügung!

  Wir freuen uns die Veröffentlichung neuer Minor Releases unserer IT System & Service Management Lösungen NetEye und EriZone ankündigen zu dürfen. Zu den Release Notes von NetEye 3.10 (IT System Management Lösung) Zu den Release Notes von EriZone 5.1 (IT Service Management Lösung)

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02. 05. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, ntop, Real User Experience Monitoring

Die IT System Management Roadshow – Erfolgreicher Auftakt in München

Wie wird die IT zu einem echten Service Enabler? Wie wird sich das Arbeiten mit zukunftsweisenden Softwarelösungen wie NetEye im Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0 entwickeln? Welche Neuigkeiten sind im Bereich von Internet of Things zu erwarten? Würth Phoenix lud letzte Woche im Rahmen der IT System Management Roadshow zu einem hochkarätig besetzten Expertentreff über die…

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27. 04. 2017 Luca Di Stefano Uncategorized

Chi si sta mangiando la banda? Scoprilo con ntopng

Chi riesce a sapere veramente quali sono i protocolli utilizzati nella rete locale? Solitamente con i netflow si può distinguere il traffico attraverso le porte L4 (80=http,443=https,..) ma non è più sufficiente. Alcune applicazioni usano invece porte dinamiche (vedi nfs, ftp, routed sap, …), altre le porte stesse, come si può allora essere in grado…

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27. 04. 2017 Luca Di Stefano Uncategorized

Identifizieren Sie Bandbreitenfresser mit ntopng

Wer von Ihnen weiß genau welche Protokolle im Unternehmensnetzwerk verwendet werden? Dank NetFlow können wir den Traffic der L4-Ports (80=http,443=https,..) unterscheiden, leider reicht das heutzutage aber nicht aus. Einige Applikationen verwenden dynamische Ports (siehe nfs, ftp, routed sap, …), andere nutzen die selben Ports, wie sollen wir diese noch voneinander unterscheiden? Erschwerend hinzu kommt, dass sich…

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27. 04. 2017 Luca Di Stefano Unified Monitoring

Find out who is eating your bandwidth with ntopng

Who really knows what are the protocols used in the local network? Usually with netflow you can distinguish traffic per l4 port (80=http,443=https,..) but this is no more sufficient. Some applications use dynamic ports (see nfs, ftp, routed sap, …), several applications use the same ports, how can we distinguish them? Applications grow and change really fast (like…

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19. 04. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

IoT, Big Data, Cloud: la risposta di NetEye

Il prossimo 16 maggio a Bologna potrete incontrarci alla conferenza Internet Of Things. Parleremo delle nuove sfide per la gestione dell’IT nate dal processo di trasformazione digitale che include IoT, Smart City, Cloud e big data. Sono le aziende che reagiscono il più rapidamente possibile alle nuove opportunità e alle mutevoli esigenze del mercato, che…

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19. 04. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia Cloud, Events, ITOA, NetEye

IoT, big data, Cloud: the NetEye’s answer

On May 16 you can meet us at the Internet of Things conference. We will discuss about the new challenges for the IT management in the digital transformation process including IoT, Smart City, Cloud and Big Data. Only the companies that react rapidly to the changing needs of the market are able to maintain a…

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07. 04. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.22-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed not correctly rendered text in reports (NEREP-183) Fixed links to thruk in sla years (NEREP-189)

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07. 04. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.22-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed not correctly rendered text in reports (NEREP-183) Fixed links to thruk in sla years (NEREP-189)

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07. 04. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.22-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed not correctly rendered text in reports (NEREP-183) Fixed links to thruk in sla years (NEREP-189)

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