Blog Entries

28. 06. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

Erstellen eines neuen Themes für Icinga Web 2

Icinga Web 2 ist ein leistungsstarkes PHP-Framework für Webapplikationen, das sich vor Allem durch sein übersichtliches, minimalistisches Design auszeichnet. Es ist schnell, responsive, benutzerfreundlich und einfach erweiterbar. Folgt man der auf dem offiziellen Repository beschriebenen Konfigurations-Prozedur ist auch die Installation ein Leichtes. (siehe Verlinkung am Ende des Artikels) Neben der Systemkonfiguration, haben die Benutzer auch…

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28. 06. 2017 Valentina Da Rold Icinga News, NetEye

Icinga Web 2 Theming

Icinga Web 2 is a powerful PHP framework for web applications in a clean, minimal design. It’s fast, responsive, accessible and easily extensible with modules. It can be installed quickly and easily from packages found in the official package repositories (see the resource links at the bottom of this blog post). Besides the global configuration…

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28. 06. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

Creare un tema per Icinga Web 2

Icinga Web 2 é un potente framework PHP per applicazioni web, caratterizzato da un design minimale. É veloce, responsive, user-friendly e facilmente estensibile attraverso l’installazione di moduli. Puó essere facilmente installato seguendo la veloce procedura di configurazione che si trova sul repository ufficiale (vedi riferimento alla fine del blog). In aggiunta alle configurazioni di sitema,…

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26. 06. 2017 Tobias Goller NetEye

Nutanix Monitoring mit NetEye

Als Monitoring-Consultant stehe ich immer wieder vor der Aufgabe die Überwachung eines Nutanix Systems in NetEye zu integrieren. Nutanix ist ein Integrated Systems Vendor der hyperconvergente Storage-Systeme produziert, das entsprechende Produkt nennt sich „Nutanix Virtual Computing Platform“. An sich ist es ganz einfach die Nutanix Systeme zu überwachen. Mit NetEye können Sie in diesem Bereich…

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26. 06. 2017 Tobias Goller NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Nutanix Monitoring with NetEye

Doing my work as monitoring consultant, I often have to monitor Nutanix systems on customer site. Nutanix is a integrated systems vendor that produces a hyper-converged storage system called “Virtual Computing Platform”. It is quiet easy to monitor the Nutanix system and with NetEye you will be able to get the best results and visualization possibilities….

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26. 06. 2017 Tobias Goller NetEye

Nutanix Monitoring con NetEye

Grazie al mio lavoro di consulente mi capita spesso di monitorare il Sistema Nutanix sui siti dei clienti. Nutanix è uno integrated systems vendor che produce un sistema di storage hyper-converged chiamato “Virtual Computing Platform”. Monitorare questo sistema è piuttosto semplice e l’uso di NetEye permette di ottenere e visualizzare i migliori risultati. Si può monitorare il sistema Nutanix…

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21. 06. 2017 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Multiple Bugfix Releases for multiple versions of NetEye (3.8, 3.9, 3.10)

ChangeLog neteye-api: * Tue Jun 20 2017 Benjamin Groeber – 1.8.4-1 – Fixed possible segmentation fault during SOAP request in multi backend environments ChangeLog neteye-syslogview: * Fri Jun 16 2017 Davide Bizzarri – 3.4.13-1 – Fixed update of Logstash config when new groups created (NSV-74) * Wed May 31 2017 Sandro Santinato – 3.4.12-1 –…

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21. 06. 2017 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Multiple Bugfix Releases for multiple versions of NetEye (3.8, 3.9, 3.10)

ChangeLog neteye-api: * Tue Jun 20 2017 Benjamin Groeber – 1.8.4-1 – Fixed possible segmentation fault during SOAP request in multi backend environments ChangeLog neteye-syslogview: * Fri Jun 16 2017 Davide Bizzarri – 3.4.13-1 – Fixed update of Logstash config when new groups created (NSV-74) * Wed May 31 2017 Sandro Santinato – 3.4.12-1 –…

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21. 06. 2017 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Multiple Bugfix Releases for multiple versions of NetEye (3.8, 3.9, 3.10)

ChangeLog neteye-api: * Tue Jun 20 2017 Benjamin Groeber – 1.8.4-1 – Fixed possible segmentation fault during SOAP request in multi backend environments ChangeLog neteye-syslogview: * Fri Jun 16 2017 Davide Bizzarri – 3.4.13-1 – Fixed update of Logstash config when new groups created (NSV-74) * Wed May 31 2017 Sandro Santinato – 3.4.12-1 –…

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20. 06. 2017 Thomas Forrer NetEye

CentOS updated to version 6.9 for all NetEye Versions

After a long test phase today we released a new version of our NetEye base OS packages, which is CentOS 6.9. It provides various bug fixes and improvements. For a change log see CentOS 6.9 Release Notes. There are no problems for customers continuing using CentOS 6.8.

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20. 06. 2017 Thomas Forrer NetEye

CentOS updated to version 6.9 for all NetEye Versions

After a long test phase today we released a new version of our NetEye base OS packages, which is CentOS 6.9. It provides various bug fixes and improvements. For a change log see CentOS 6.9 Release Notes. There are no problems for customers continuing using CentOS 6.8.

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20. 06. 2017 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

CentOS updated to version 6.9 for all NetEye Versions

After a long test phase today we released a new version of our NetEye base OS packages, which is CentOS 6.9. It provides various bug fixes and improvements. For a change log see CentOS 6.9 Release Notes. There are no problems for customers continuing using CentOS 6.8.

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20. 06. 2017 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part I

Network traffic keeps becoming more and more heterogeneous. In many cases, it is not enough to monitor a system as we have done in the past. Here I will present the key ingredients according to Würth Phoenix for successful state of the art performance monitoring and proactive analysis of those applications that are critical for…

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20. 06. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part I

Heutzutage ist Netzwerktraffic zunehmend heterogen. In einigen Fällen ist ein traditionalles Monitoring, wie wir es aus der Vergangenheit kennen, nicht mehr ausreichend. Im Folgenden werde ich die wichtigsten Bestandteile einer zeitgemäßen Performance Monitoring Lösung aufzeigen, die sich auch zur proaktiven Analyse businesskritischer Applikation eignet. User Experience und Performance Metriken Hand in Hand für neue Erkenntnisse User Experience…

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20. 06. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part I

Oggigiorno il traffico di rete sta diventando sempre più eterogeneo. In tanti casi non è sufficiente monitorare un sistema con gli stessi metodi utilizzati in passato. Presenterò di seguito quelli che, secondo Würth Phoenix, sono i punti chiave per un monitoraggio all’avanguardia e un’analisi proattiva delle applicazioni critiche per il vostro business. Combinazione User Experience…

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