Blog Entries

10. 07. 2017 Gabriele Cecco EriZone & OTRS

Prozess-Tickets im Auge behalten

Mittlerweile definieren wir bei fast allen neuen EriZone Projekt auch Prozesse, um bestimmte Abläufe im Unternehmen zu standardisieren. Vor allem für mehrstufige Genehmigungen oder andere Workflows bei denen das Ticket einem bestimmten, vordefinierten Weg folgen muss, zahlt es sich aus (einmalig) Zeit in die Implementierung eines Prozesses zu investieren, um eine effiziente Arbeitsweise zu ermöglichen….

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10. 07. 2017 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Keeping an eye on your EriZone process tickets

Usually, during a new EriZone implementation, we are not just implementing “simple” Incident Management, but also defining processes to standardize existing procedures within the company. Investing time now in the implementation of a standardized process will pay dividends later, especially in the case of multilevel authorizations or other workflows where the ticket needs to follow…

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10. 07. 2017 Gabriele Cecco EriZone & OTRS

Tenere sotto controllo i ticket di processo in EriZone

Nelle implementazioni di nuove istanze EriZone la creazione di processi personalizzati per standardizzare procedure esistenti è diventata una costante. I processi sono molto utili per gestire flussi di approvazione o workflow in cui il ticket deve seguire un iter strutturato secondo regole predefinite e ben precise. Grazie al Process Bundle di EriZone i Ticket creati…

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07. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Ticket-Imports in EriZone

Servicedesk-Systeme sind in vielen IT-Abteilungen von zentraler Bedeutung für viele Arbeitsabläufe, von der Incident- und Serviceanfrage bis zu Autorisierungen und der Verwaltung interner Projekte. Daten aus diesen Systemen werden für die Fakturierung, Zeiterfassung und Kostenschätzung in ERP-Systeme eingepflegt und werden für kurz- und langfristige Statistiken benötigt. Die Tickets mit ihren Metadaten bilden zudem eine strukturierte,…

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07. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Importing Tickets in EriZone

Service desk systems are of great importance to most IT departments. They are used to manage not only incidents and service requests, but also for authorizations and the management of internal projects. Moreover, data obtained from an ITSM system can be used for time accounting, invoicing and cost estimates. Finally, yet importantly, tickets and their…

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07. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Importare ticket in EriZone

I sistemi di service desk sono molto importanti per le aziende, in quanto possono essere adattabili alle richieste di qualsiasi dipartimento, dall’IT all’amministrazione, e snelliscono la gestione non solo di incident e service request ma anche il processo delle autorizzazioni e la gestione dei progetti interni. I dati forniti dal sistema ITSM possono essere utilizzati…

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06. 07. 2017 Matteo Baruchello NetEye

NetEye – Action Launchpad

Whether you are responsible for your company’s Network Operations Center (NOC), or you are just generally interested in the topic of infrastructure monitoring, this article will be of interest to you. We built the Action Launchpad module for NetEye to simplify the execution of remote commands (proactive actions). When resolving some anomaly you find yourself…

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06. 07. 2017 Matteo Baruchello NetEye

NetEye – Action Launchpad

Sie sind für ein Network Operation Center (NOC) verantwortlich, oder interessieren sich ganz allgemein für das Thema Infrastruktur-Monitoring bzw. dessen Optimierung? Dann wird Sie dieser Artikel interessieren. Das sogenannte Action Launchpad Modul von NetEye, wurde gebaut um das Ausführen von Befehlen von remote (proaktive Aktionen) zu vereinfachen. Besonders im Falle auftretender Anomalien, deren Behandlung vorher…

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06. 07. 2017 Matteo Baruchello NetEye

NetEye – Action Launchpad

Se il vostro ruolo è quello di gestire un NOC (Network Operation Center), oppure siete solo interessati alla gestione e semplificazione del monitoraggio infrastrutturale, questo post potrebbe aiutarvi nel vostro compito. Se l’esigenza che dovete gestire, è l’esecuzione di comandi remoti (azioni proattive) a fronte di anomalie ben definite da parte del cliente o dai…

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05. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Towards Self-Adaptive Service Desk Systems

If you don’t work in the field of IT service management, you might suppose that a service desk, and especially an IT service desk, is something quite standard… having similar services and a similarly structured support staff structures across all companies. However, despite having (apparently) a very similar goal and trying to follow a common…

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05. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Events, Service Management

Towards Self-Adaptive Service Desk Systems

If you don’t work in the field of IT service management, you might suppose that a service desk, and especially an IT service desk, is something quite standard… having similar services and a similarly structured support staff structures across all companies. However, despite having (apparently) a very similar goal and trying to follow a common…

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05. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Towards Self-Adaptive Service Desk Systems

If you don’t work in the field of IT service management, you might suppose that a service desk, and especially an IT service desk, is something quite standard… having similar services and a similarly structured support staff structures across all companies. However, despite having (apparently) a very similar goal and trying to follow a common…

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29. 06. 2017 Gabriele Cecco EriZone & OTRS

Ticket Template

„Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das Öffnen neuer Tickets seitens der Service Desk Mitarbeiter zu beschleunigen?“ Ist eine Frage, die bei fast jedem neuen EriZone Projekt auftritt. Besonders in Situationen in denen die Reaktionszeit ausschlaggebend ist, könnte ein Shortcut zur schnellen Auswahl von Service, Kategorie und eventuellen weiteren Feldern extrem hilfreich sein. Durch eine kleine Zusatzkonfiguration,…

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29. 06. 2017 Gabriele Cecco EriZone & OTRS

Quick Ticket Template

Una domanda che spesso mi viene posta durante l’analisi di un nuovo progetto EriZone è: esiste un modo per velocizzare l’apertura dei ticket da parte del Service Desk? In situazioni dove spesso la velocità di reazione è fondamentale, una funzionalità che permetta con uno shortcut la selezione di servizi e categorie ed eventualmente altri campi…

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29. 06. 2017 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Quick Ticket Template

“Is there any way to speed up opening new tickets?” This is a typical question new EriZone customers ask during project implementation. The reason is quite obvious: If you have a large Service Desk team that is opening several hundred tickets each day, every second counts. Especially in situations where the resolution time is critical,…

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