Blog Entries

02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring: il ruolo di machine learning e anomaly detection [Seconda parte]

Machine learning e anomaly detection sono procedimenti utilizzati sempre con più frequenza nell’area del performance monitoring. Ma di cosa si occupano realmente e perché l’interesse in quest’area sta aumentando così rapidamente? Dalla statistica al machine learning Sono stati fatti diversi tentativi per definire le principali differenze tra machine learning e statistica, ma non è sempre…

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02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part II: Welche Rolle spielen Machine Learning und Anomalie Detection?

Immer öfter hören wir im Zusammenhang mit Performance Monitoring auch die Begriffe Machine Learning und Anomaly Detection. Aber was genau bedeuten sie und warum erfreuen sie sich immer größerer Beliebtheit? Von Statistik zu Machine Learning Bereits mehrfach wurde versucht die genauen Unterschiede zwischen Machine Learning und Statistik aufzuzeigen, in der Tat ist es gar nicht so…

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02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, NetEye, Real User Experience

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part II: The Role of Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection

Machine learning and anomaly detection are being mentioned with increasing frequency in performance monitoring. But what are they and why is interest in them rising so quickly? From Statistics to Machine Learning There have been several attempts to explicitly differentiate between machine learning and statistics. It is not so easy to draw a line between…

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31. 07. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Using Active Direcory for defining new NetEye Users

Every so often I get asked whether it is possible to integrate Active Directory Users and Groups with NetEye. Until now my answer has always been that it is possible to use AD via its LDAP functionality as an authentication backend, and that you may manually add each AD user one-by-one to NetEye. I was…

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31. 07. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Using Active Direcory for defining new NetEye Users

Every so often I get asked whether it is possible to integrate Active Directory Users and Groups with NetEye. Until now my answer has always been that it is possible to use AD via its LDAP functionality as an authentication backend, and that you may manually add each AD user one-by-one to NetEye. I was…

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31. 07. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Come velocizzare la creazione di utenti NetEye – ecco la guida per l’integrazione dell’Active Directory

Spesso mi si chiede se è possibile integrare gli utenti e i gruppi dell’Active Directory con NetEye. Fino ad ora ho sempre risposto che è possibile utilizzare l’AD con la funzionalità LDAP che funge da backend di autenticazione, aggiungendo manualmente ogni utente AD in NetEye. Non sono però mai stato troppo soddisfatto da questa opzione…

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Update neteye-reporting-3.11.2-1 ( NetEye 3.10 )

Changelog Fixed different SLA values between SLA and SLA Year section (NEREP-190) Fixed bug where report title should have a default tag (NEREP-198)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Update neteye-reporting-3.11.2-1 ( NetEye 3.10 )

Changelog Fixed different SLA values between SLA and SLA Year section (NEREP-190) Fixed bug where report title should have a default tag (NEREP-198)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Update neteye-reporting-3.11.2-1 ( NetEye 3.10 )

Changelog Fixed different SLA values between SLA and SLA Year section (NEREP-190) Fixed bug where report title should have a default tag (NEREP-198)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Update neteye-eventhandler-1.4.19-1 ( NetEye 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, & 3.10 )

ChangeLog: Fixed errors during neteye start (NEVHA-46)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Update neteye-eventhandler-1.4.19-1 ( NetEye 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, & 3.10 )

ChangeLog: Fixed errors during neteye start (NEVHA-46)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Update neteye-eventhandler-1.4.19-1 ( NetEye 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, & 3.10 )

ChangeLog: Fixed errors during neteye start (NEVHA-46)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Update neteye-monarch-3.13.9-1 ( NetEye 3.9 & 3.10 )

ChangeLog: Fixed: import of BP with service/serviceinstance/host with special characters (NMONARCH-86)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Update neteye-monarch-3.13.9-1 ( NetEye 3.9 & 3.10 )

ChangeLog: Fixed: import of BP with service/serviceinstance/host with special characters (NMONARCH-86)

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10. 07. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Update neteye-monarch-3.13.9-1 ( NetEye 3.9 & 3.10 )

ChangeLog: Fixed: import of BP with service/serviceinstance/host with special characters (NMONARCH-86)

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