Blog Entries

06. 09. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-base-3.11.4-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where NetEye-virtual-ip setting should be one of the first action in the init script (NB-25) Fixed bug where neteye-serivce-watchdog does not restart the eventhandler in some cases (NB-61) Removed ‘elasticsearch stop’ from neteye rc script (NB-59) Fixed bug where the NetEye init script should start first InfluxDB and then Nfsen (NB-67)

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01. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Release Notes: NetEye 3.11 e EriZone 5.2!

Siamo lieti di annunciare il rilascio delle nuove minor release delle nostre soluzioni di IT System & Service Management NetEye e EriZone. Oltre ad importanti miglioramenti, soprattutto in ambito di stabilità e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, sono state introdotte molteplici funzionalità. Le release notes descrivono le nuove funzionalità e forniscono informazioni per la procedura di aggiornamento,  per maggiori…

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01. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Service Management

NetEye 3.11 and EriZone 5.2 have been released!

We are proud to announce the release of new minor versions of our IT System & Service Management solutions NetEye and EriZone. These release notes describe the new features and improvements and provide information on how to upgrade. Please find more details on our corporate webpages by clicking on the following links: Go to the official…

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01. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye 3.11 und EriZone 5.2 veröffentlicht!

Wir freuen uns die Veröffentlichung der neuen Minor Releases unserer IT System & Service Management Lösungen NetEye und EriZone ankündigen zu dürfen. Neben der neuen Funktionen haben wir uns bei der Entwicklung dieser Version besonders auf die Verbesserung der Stabilität und die Erweiterung bestehender Module konzentriert. Die Release Notes beschreiben die neuen Features und Verbesserungen und beinhalten…

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31. 08. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia EriZone & OTRS, NetEye, ntop

Non mancare al prossimo NetEye & EriZone User Group

NetEye & EriZone User Group Sfide e opportunità per l’IT Management 4.0 Connectbay, Mantova, Giovedì 19 ottobre 11:00 – 17:00 Siamo lieti di invitarvi il 19 ottobre al NetEye & EriZone User Group. L’evento vi offrirà un’occasione unica per scoprire le ultime novità nell’IT System & Service Management, individuare i requisiti necessari per adeguarsi al…

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31. 08. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia Anomaly Detection, Events, NetEye, Service Management

Non mancare al prossimo NetEye & EriZone User Group

NetEye & EriZone User Group Sfide e opportunità per l’IT Management 4.0 Connectbay, Mantova, Giovedì 19 ottobre 11:00 – 17:00 Siamo lieti di invitarvi il 19 ottobre al NetEye & EriZone User Group. L’evento vi offrirà un’occasione unica per scoprire le ultime novità nell’IT System & Service Management, individuare i requisiti necessari per adeguarsi al…

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22. 08. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Dovete aggiornare Computer Windows con WSUS? Ecco alcuni consigli.

Da molti anni il servizio WSUS (Windows Server Update Services, ex SUS, Software Update Services) rappresenta il modo più utilizzato nelle aziende per gestire gli aggiornamenti dei Computer Windows. Il prodotto esiste dall’anno 2005 e a partire da Windows Server 2008 R2 è diventato un Ruolo installabile sui Server. WSUS gestisce il catalogo degli aggiornamenti…

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22. 08. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

WSUS: Windows Computer aktualisieren

Seit vielen Jahren ist WSUS (Windows Server Update Services, ex SUS, Software Update Services) die bevorzugte Komponente für das Aktualisieren von Windows Computern. Das Produkt ist seit 2005 auf dem Markt und mit Windows Server 2008 R2 wurde es eine auf den Servern installierbare Rule. WSUS ist eine Softwarekomponente des Microsoft Windows Server, die für…

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22. 08. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Upgrading your Windows computers with WSUS? Here’s a guideline.

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is an application developed by Microsoft that enables administrators to manage the distribution of updates for Microsoft products to computers in a corporate environment. The first version of WSUS was known as Software Update Services (SUS) and was created in 2005. Only after 2008 it was distributed as an installable…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset con GLPI ed OCS Inventory

Tutti i nostri clienti che utilizzano l’asset management integrato in NetEye conoscono bene le potenzialità offerte da OCS Inventory e GLPI e dalla loro integrazione. Spesso però non tutte le funzionalità vengono sfruttate per la gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset. Tra le caratteristiche disponibili per una gestione completa del ciclo di vita degli…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Verwaltung des gesamten Asset-Lebenszyklus in GLPI und OCS Inventory

Unsere Kunden die das Asset Management Modul von NetEye bereits verwenden, kennen das Potenzial von OCS Inventory und GLPI nur zu gut. Trotzdem kommt es vor, dass nicht alle Funktionen voll ausgenutzt werden. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich folgende Funktionen:

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Life Cycle Asset Management with GLPI and OCS Inventory

If you are using our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye, you probably already know about the potential of OCS Inventory and GLPI. However, often users are not aware of all the functionalities available in Life Cycle Asset Management. So let’s highlight some of the most important features to manage the entire life cycle of…

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03. 08. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Save the date! NetEye & EriZone User Group 2017

NetEye & EriZone User Group Sfide e opportunità per l’IT Management 4.0 Connectbay, Mantova, Giovedì 19 ottobre 11:00 – 17:00 Siamo lieti di invitarVi il 19 ottobre al NetEye & EriZone User Group. L’evento annuale dedicato ai nostri clienti Vi offrirà l’occasione di scoprire le leve di innovazione nell’IT System & Service Management, individuare approcci…

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03. 08. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia Anomaly Detection, Events, NetEye, Service Management

Save the date! – NetEye & EriZone User Group 2017

NetEye & EriZone User Group Challenges and opportunities in the IT Management 4.0 Connectbay, Mantova, October 19, 11:00 – 17:00 We are glad to invite you to attend the NetEye & EriZone User Group. The yearly event for our customers will offer you the possibility to discover the innovations in the IT Service Management field, to…

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03. 08. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Save the date! – NetEye & EriZone User Group 2017

NetEye & EriZone User Group Challenges and opportunities in the IT Management 4.0 Connectbay, Mantova, October 19, 11:00 – 17:00 We are glad to invite you to attend the NetEye & EriZone User Group. The yearly event for our customers will offer you the possibility to discover the innovations in the IT Service Management field, to…

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