Blog Entries

22. 09. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-configtool-3.0.30-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fix error when an GLPI entity name had a special char (NC-26) Fix copy Ldap server in settings not working (NC-27) Fix new Ldap user form is not emptied upon dialog close/abort (NC-35) Fix wrong monarch contact creation when using special chars in user alias (NC-30)

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21. 09. 2017 Luca Franzoi Service Management

Erizone – Avviso di sicurezza

È stata scoperta una vulnerabilità nell’interfaccia agente dei sistemi EriZone – OTRS che coinvolge tutti i sistemi OTRS 3.3.*, Erizone 3.x ed Erizone 5.x. Tale vulnerabilità sfrutta una falla nel sistema di statistiche lato agente e gli è stata assegnata una criticità di livello alto. Al fine di garantire la sicurezza del sistema è consigliabile…

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21. 09. 2017 Luca Franzoi Service Management

EriZone – Security Advisory

A vulnerability has been detected on the agent interface of the EriZone – OTRS system. The following is valid for all OTRS 3.3.x, Erizone 3.x and EriZone 5.x systems. This vulnerability takes advantage of a hole in agent statistics module and has been classified with a “high” risk. To guarantee the security of your system,…

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21. 09. 2017 Luca Franzoi Service Management

EriZone – Security Advisory

A vulnerability has been detected on the agent interface of the EriZone – OTRS system. The following is valid for all OTRS 3.3.x, Erizone 3.x and EriZone 5.x systems. This vulnerability takes advantage of a hole in agent statistics module and has been classified with a “high” risk. To guarantee the security of your system,…

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19. 09. 2017 Massimo Giaimo Information Security Operations Center, NetEye

Vittime di attacchi cibernetici? NetEye e Kibana possono aiutarvi!

La sicurezza informatica rientra tra le principali priorità di ogni CIO. Gli attacchi cibernetici sono ormai una realtà che va affrontata quotidianamente. Sempre più aziende rientrano tra le vittime dei cosiddetti cybercrime dovendo, loro malgrado, pagarne le conseguenze in termini finanziari, operativi e di reputazione. Ecco perché cercare di strutturare meglio le difese, aumentando l’efficienza…

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19. 09. 2017 Massimo Giaimo Log-SIEM, NetEye

Do you want to prevent cyber-attacks? NetEye and Kibana can help.

IT security is one of the highest priorities for every CIO. Cyber-attacks are now a reality that we must deal with on a daily basis. More and more organizations have been the victims of so-called cybercrimes that are the cause of financial losses, operational problems and consequences to the company’s reputation. That is why trying…

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19. 09. 2017 Massimo Giaimo Information Security Operations Center, NetEye

Do you want to prevent cyber-attacks? NetEye and Kibana can help.

IT security is one of the highest priorities for every CIO. Cyber-attacks are now a reality that we must deal with on a daily basis. More and more organizations have been the victims of so-called cybercrimes that are the cause of financial losses, operational problems and consequences to the company’s reputation. That is why trying…

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13. 09. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Service Management

NetEye & EriZone at it-sa

Be our guest on the it-sa Between the 10th and 12th of October, we welcome you at Europe’s largest IT security fair trade, the it-sa in Nuremberg-Germany. By visiting our stand located in Hall 10.1 – 520, you will get the latest insights on all new functionalities related to NetEye, EriZone and ntop – especially in…

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13. 09. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

NetEye & EriZone auf der it-sa

Sie sind unser Gast! Sie haben das Zeug zum Markt-Vorreiter im Bereich IT System-Management und wir haben das passende Equipment. Wir laden Sie herzlich zur größten Plattform für IT-Security in Europa, der it-sa 2017 vom 10. – 12. Oktober in Nürnberg ein. Um Ihnen unsere neuesten Entwicklungen rund um NetEye, EriZone und dem Traffic Monitoring…

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13. 09. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

NetEye & EriZone at it-sa

Be our guest on the it-sa Between the 10th and 12th of October, we welcome you  at Europe’s largest IT security fair trade, the it-sa in Nuremberg-Germany. By visiting our stand located in Hall 10.1 – 520, you will get the latest insights on all new functionalities related to NetEye, EriZone and ntop – especially…

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11. 09. 2017 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

JavaScript Design Patterns in Icinga Web 2

Sei alla ricerca delle linee guida per creare nuove funzioni JavaScript in Icinga Web 2? Attraverso quest’articolo cercherò di spiegarti la struttura che la tua funzione dovrà avere per essere correttamente compilata da Icinga Web 2. Se hai già analizzato il codice, ti sarai accorto che le funzioni JavaScript di Icinga sono caratterizzate dalla tipica struttura dei JavaScript Design Patterns. Cos’è un…

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11. 09. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye, Unified Monitoring

JavaScript Design Patterns in Icinga Web 2

Are you looking for some guidelines on how  to create new JavaScript functions in Icinga Web 2?  This article will show you the necessary structure your function should have in order to compile correctly with Icinga. If you’ve already looked at some example functions within the existing Icinga JS code, you will have noticed that…

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11. 09. 2017 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

JavaScript Design Patterns in Icinga Web 2

Sie sind auf der Suche nach Guidlines um neue JavaScript Funktionen in Icinga Web 2 zu erzeugen? Im Folgenden versuche ich Ihnen die Struktur, die Ihre Funktion haben sollte um korrekt von Icinga Web 2 kompiliert zu werden, zu erklären. Sollten Sie bereits den Code analysiert haben, wird Ihnen aufgefallen sein, dass die JavaScript Funktionen…

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06. 09. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-base-3.11.4-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where NetEye-virtual-ip setting should be one of the first action in the init script (NB-25) Fixed bug where neteye-serivce-watchdog does not restart the eventhandler in some cases (NB-61) Removed ‘elasticsearch stop’ from neteye rc script (NB-59) Fixed bug where the NetEye init script should start first InfluxDB and then Nfsen (NB-67)

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06. 09. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-base-3.11.4-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where NetEye-virtual-ip setting should be one of the first action in the init script (NB-25) Fixed bug where neteye-serivce-watchdog does not restart the eventhandler in some cases (NB-61) Removed ‘elasticsearch stop’ from neteye rc script (NB-59) Fixed bug where the NetEye init script should start first InfluxDB and then Nfsen (NB-67)

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