Blog Entries

03. 11. 2017 MarinovMihail Service Management

Quick ticket creation by image toolbar

With this new EriZone functionality (which will be available in the next EriZone version 5.3) customers can open a ticket with only a few clicks. The new ticket creation process is based on intuitive images, which should lead the customer to finish the process in just a few steps.

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03. 11. 2017 MarinovMihail Uncategorized

Quick ticket creation by image toolbar

With this new EriZone functionality (which will be available in the next EriZone version 5.3) customers can open a ticket with only a few clicks. The new ticket creation process is based on intuitive images, which should lead the customer to finish the process in just a few steps.

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03. 11. 2017 MarinovMihail Uncategorized

Quick ticket creation by image toolbar

With this new EriZone functionality (which will be available in the next EriZone version 5.3) customers can open a ticket with only a few clicks. The new ticket creation process is based on intuitive images, which should lead the customer to finish the process in just a few steps.

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Invio dei log Cisco ad Elasticsearch: ecco la guida!

Avete un’infrastruttura di rete CISCO e desiderate visualizzare i log attraverso il protocollo syslog in un database di Elasticsearch? Scoprite ora come impostare i filtri e i modelli necessari per le funzionalità del Logstash. Come sapete, per ottenere i dati nel database di Elasticsearch è necessaria un’istanza di Logstash. Il vantaggio consiste nell’analizzare questi dati…

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Ihre CISCO Syslog in Elasticsearch, so geht es!

Sie haben eine CISCO Netzwerk Infrastruktur und möchten die Logs über das Syslog Protokol in eine Elasticsearch Datenbank schreiben? Hier erfahren Sie wie das geht mit allen notwendigen Filtern und Pattern für ihre Logstash Funktionalität. Wie man weiss bekommt man über eine Logstash Instanz Daten in die Elasticsearch Datenbank. Der Vorteil liegt darin diese Daten…

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Sending Cisco Syslogs to Elasticsearch: A simple guide

Do you use Cisco’s network infrastructure? Would you like to view its logs through the syslog protocol in an Elasticsearch database? Find out below about the filters and templates needed for the Logstash setup. As you probably already know, you need a Logstash instance in order to get indexed data into the Elasticsearch database. Cisco…

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26. 10. 2017 Arianna Cunaccia EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Impressioni sul NetEye & EriZone User Group 2017

IT Management 4.0 – La risposta alle sfide della Digital Transformation Il 19 ottobre si è svolta la nona edizione del NetEye e EriZone User Group. L’evento dedicato agli utilizzatori delle nostre soluzioni di IT System & Service Management ha offerto un’occasione importante per scoprire le innovazioni di NetEye e EriZone, partecipare alla loro fase evolutiva ed…

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20. 10. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.4.20-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed very slow loading of alert history (NETHRUK-134)

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20. 10. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.4.20-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed very slow loading of alert history (NETHRUK-134)

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20. 10. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.4.20-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed very slow loading of alert history (NETHRUK-134)

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18. 10. 2017 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

Oracle Exadata Monitoring with NetEye

More and more often I’ve needed to integrate an Oracle Exadata system with NetEye Monitoring.  The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is a combined compute and storage system marketed for running Oracle Database software. The best way to integrate the Oracle Exadata system is to use SNMP Trap alerting.  Then, it depends on your particular Oracle…

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18. 10. 2017 Tobias Goller Uncategorized

Oracle Exadata Monitoring with NetEye

More and more often I’ve needed to integrate an Oracle Exadata system with NetEye Monitoring.  The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is a combined compute and storage system marketed for running Oracle Database software. The best way to integrate the Oracle Exadata system is to use SNMP Trap alerting.  Then, it depends on your particular Oracle…

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18. 10. 2017 Tobias Goller Uncategorized

Come monitorare i sistemi Oracle Exadata

Sempre più spesso ho incontrato la necessità di integrare il monitoraggio di NetEye con Oracle Exadata, un sistema combinato di calcolo e archiviazione per il database Oracle stesso. Il modo migliore per l’integrazione consiste nell’utilizzare gli allarmi generati dalle SNMP Trap. Quindi, dipende dalla vostra installazione di Oracle. Se si utilizza il sistema Exadata, è possibile…

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17. 10. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Service Management

Eindrücke von der it-sa 2017

Es kommt wohl selten vor, dass sich Besucher, Aussteller und Organisatoren über den Erfolg eines Messeformates so einig waren. Bei der it-sa 2017, die letzte Woche in Nürnberg stattfand, war dies der Fall. Neben der RSA in San Francisco zur mittlerweile größten IT Security-Messe weltweit avanciert, ist es wohl die letzte große deutsche Ausstellerplattform in…

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05. 10. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

End to End Monitoring mit Alyvix auf der Heise Cloud-Konferenz

Die „Heise Cloud-Konferenz – by c’t & iX“ am 17. Oktober 2017 in Köln bringt IT-Entscheider und Anbieter für einen Austausch zu den praktischen Erfahrungen mit Private, Hybrid und Public Cloud-Infrastrukturen zusammen. Fragen der Plattform-Auswahlkriterien, der Sicherheit (Datenschutz vs. Datensicherheit) oder des Preis-Leistungsverhältnisses werden ebenso wie konkrete technische Herausforderungen wie Multicloud-Sourcing, Monitoring oder Service Level…

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