Blog Entries

21. 12. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo NetEye, Service Management

The Role of IT Asset Management in GDPR Compliance (Part II)

In my previous article I introduced what GDPR (General Data Protections Regulations) is, what measures it introduces, and how IT asset management (ITAM) can support it. In this second post we’ll see which IT asset management modules are available in NetEye, our IT System Management solution. Introduction Within ITSM (IT Service Management), ITIL defines the…

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21. 12. 2017 Massimiliano De Luca NetEye

The Importance of Naming Convention in NetEye

Imagine that you need to change offices quite often. In each of these offices, you’ll need to use a different PC. Each computer obviously has a different keyboard. And every time you change offices, you’d need to learn the new keyboard layout. What a waste of time! Although the example may be trivial, it should…

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20. 12. 2017 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

How to Integrate the EriZone Customer Database with Web Services

One of the key points in the EriZone configuration is the connection to the database that contains information on the users of the system. A database without information on users has a negative effect on the incident management process. Let’s imagine that you are a Service Desk operator who has to work on an urgent…

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20. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to create time-based dashboard with Plotly

Plotly is a useful and complete open source tool that allow you to compose, edit and share interactive data visualizations.  Built atop D3.js, Plotly is one of the most common libraries used for browser-based graphing. My aim was to create a nice-looking dashboard with four time-based graphs.  I was searching for a complete, easy-to-implement and free-to-license JavaScript…

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07. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to Customize Your Grafana Theme

Grafana is an open source dashboard tool that helps users to easily create and edit dashboards. Grafana uses Golang as a backend and Angular as frontend. It is quite a large codebase and supports a large number of options for its components (data sources, options, panels, etc.). Grafana’s stylesheet is written using the Sass CSS extension…

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07. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to Customize Your Grafana Theme

Grafana is an open source dashboard tool that helps users to easily create and edit dashboards. Grafana uses Golang as a backend and Angular as the frontend. It’s quite a large codebase and supports a large number of options for its components (data sources, options, panels, etc.). Grafana’s stylesheet is written using the Sass CSS…

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07. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to Customize Your Grafana Theme

Grafana is an open source dashboard tool that helps users to easily create and edit dashboards. Grafana uses Golang as a backend and Angular as frontend. It is quite a large codebase and supports a large number of options for its components (data sources, options, panels, etc.). Grafana’s stylesheet is written using the Sass CSS extension…

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28. 11. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Information Security Operations Center, NetEye

Il ruolo dell’IT Asset Management nel corretto adeguamento al GDPR – Parte I

In questo e nel prossimo blog vorrei analizzare il ruolo dell’ IT Asset Management (ITAM) nell’adeguamento al nuovo regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (GDPR). In questo primo articolo introdurremo brevemente cosa è il GDPR, quali misure introduce e come la gestione degli asset IT possa supportarlo. Nella prossimo articolo vedremo quali moduli mette a…

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28. 11. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Log Management, NetEye

The Role of IT Asset Management in GDPR Compliance – Part I

In this post, and in the one that will follow in the next weeks, I would like to analyze the role of IT Asset Management in adapting to the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). In this first article I will briefly introduce what the GDPR is, what measures it introduces, and how the IT…

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28. 11. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo NetEye

The Role of IT Asset Management in GDPR Compliance – Part I

In this post, and in the one that will follow in the next weeks, I would like to analyze the role of IT Asset Management in adapting to the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). In this first article I will briefly introduce what the GDPR is, what measures it introduces, and how the IT…

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27. 11. 2017 Luca Franzoi Service Management

EriZone – Security Advisory

A vulnerability has been detected on the agent interface of the EriZone – OTRS system. The following is valid for all OTRS 3.3.x, Erizone 3.x and EriZone 5.x systems. This vulnerability takes advantage of a Code injection in Kernel/System/ and is classified with a severity of 8.6 (high). To guarantee the security of your system,…

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27. 11. 2017 Luca Franzoi Service Management

EriZone – Security Advisory

A vulnerability has been detected on the agent interface of the EriZone – OTRS system. The following is valid for all OTRS 3.3.x, Erizone 3.x and EriZone 5.x systems. This vulnerability takes advantage of a Code injection in Kernel/System/ and is classified with a severity of 8.6 (high). To guarantee the security of your system,…

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27. 11. 2017 Luca Franzoi Service Management

EriZone – Security Advisory

A vulnerability has been detected on the agent interface of the EriZone – OTRS system. The following is valid for all OTRS 3.3.x, Erizone 3.x and EriZone 5.x systems. This vulnerability takes advantage of a Code injection in Kernel/System/ and is classified with a severity of 8.6 (high). To guarantee the security of your system,…

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15. 11. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-ocsng-2.1.2_neteye1.0.2-1 (for NetEye 3.11 + 3.10 + 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where after installation file has wrong owner (NO-4)

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15. 11. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-ocsng-2.1.2_neteye1.0.2-1 (for NetEye 3.11 + 3.10 + 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where after installation file has wrong owner (NO-4)

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