Blog Entries

01. 04. 2019 Valentina Da Rold Downloads / Release Notes

Updated icingaweb2-module-logmanager for NetEye 4.4

Updated icingaweb2-module-logmanager to version 0.7.9-1: Fix bug: GPG keys are not shared between cluster nodes

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01. 04. 2019 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

NetEye 4.5 and NetEye 3.17 Release Notes

NetEye 4.5 Release Notes Welcome to version 4.5 of our NetEye v4 Unified Monitoring Solution. Following version 4.4, the new and updated features in this version focus on bug fixes, updates to CentOS and core components, and improvements to Log Manager, Lampo, Tornado and Safed. Product: NetEye Release Number: 4.5 Release Date: March 31, 2019…

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29. 03. 2019 Charles Callaway Cloud, NetEye

SMS Notifications by Bridging Ethernet and Serial with Moxa’s NPort

Monitoring needs to take place wherever data is collected, which may not always be right next to your NetEye server. If you have poor signal reception, or else you’re running on a virtual machine, and you need 24×7 availability, notification via SMS may be the only option. Sometimes you just can’t run a serial cable…

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29. 03. 2019 Gianluca Piccolo NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 4 and the Continuous Localization with Weblate

As a software developer, working with translations has always been a pain.Non-technical people like translators cannot work directly on translation files due to their rules and the file syntax. In my professional career I’ve tried many times to include translators into the workflow, but the time we spent solving the bugs they introduced was more…

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29. 03. 2019 Angelo Rosace Log Management, NetEye

Host Creation via Icingacli Commands for Monitoring and Deploying a Safed Agent Configuration

Creating hosts in NetEye’s Director module can sometimes be time-consuming and a repetitious, tiring and boring job. Especially if you have to populate Director with a large number of hosts for setting up a test environment, for example. One solution is to create a script consisting of nothing but icingacli commands. Each command line instruction…

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29. 03. 2019 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Importing and Exporting Data

A service management system collects an enormous amount of ticketing data, which often needs to be used for statistical evaluation, accounting purposes, monitoring the involvement of 3rd party companies, etc.  EriZone provides several different means to extract this data: On the web interface, you can save search results as CSV or Excel files, and then run…

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27. 03. 2019 Andrea Avancini NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform

Being able to perform automatic provisioning of infrastructure is becoming a must-have feature for teams that want to be able to automate their entire provisioning and deployment process, and the Wuerth Phoenix team is no exception. Tools like HashiCorp’s Terraform can help teams in reaching this goal by providing the capability of writing IaC (Infrastructure…

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27. 03. 2019 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye 4 Performance and Tactical Monitoring Overview

In one of my previous posts I described how to create a customized NetEye 3 Tactical Monitoring Overview dashboard with Grafana and Telegraf. Here I’d like to show you how you can create a similar dashboard (much faster) for NetEye 4. The NetEye 4 Tactical Overview quickly provides basic information on the status of hosts, services…

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26. 03. 2019 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Add Some Style to Your Notifications

Some time ago, a customer told me about his need to produce, via EriZone, a summary document containing the data collected in the ticket dynamic fields. One way to do this is to take advantage of the EriZone Ticket Notification Module. Using the native editor in the notification module, I created an HTML table and…

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26. 03. 2019 Gianluca Piccolo Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated icingaweb2 for NetEye 4.4

Updated icingaweb2 to version 2.6.2_neteye1.25.3-1: Browser Title contains “Incinga Web” instead of “NetEye”

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25. 03. 2019 Oreste Attanasio Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Safed improvements since 1.10.1

The Safed agent keeps track of the events it receives from the Eventlog by keeping the LastEventID in registry. At start time the agent tries to retrieve all events from Windows Eventlog since starting from the LastEventID. When the amount of events since LastEventID is too large or the LastEventID has been removed from the…

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25. 03. 2019 Valentina Da Rold Downloads / Release Notes

Updated icingaweb2-module-neteye for NetEye 4.4

Updated icingaweb2-module-neteye to version 1.9.1-1: Customized PDF export in Overview with NetEye logo

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22. 03. 2019 Gianluca Piccolo Downloads / Release Notes

Updated icingaweb2, neteye-setup and icinga2 for NetEye 4.4

Updated icingaweb2 to version 2.6.2_neteye1.25.2-1: Wrong cluster configuration template folder path on userguide Updated neteye-setup to version 1.6.2-1: Nagvis not cluster aware Updated icinga2 to version 2.10.1_neteye1.4.10-2: Fixed wrong icingacli command definition After update follow this steps (only for single node installations): # systemctl restart icinga2-master # icingacli director kickstart run

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21. 03. 2019 NetEye Blog Admin Events

NetEye at the Icinga Camp in Berlin

Creating a culture of innovation and creativity in the newest monitoring developments with NetEye and Icinga: The recent Icinga Camp in Berlin was once again a significant venue for community and enterprise users coming together to discuss the latest trends and share knowledge and experiences. Francesco Melchiori gave a speech on Artificial Intelligence and Machine…

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21. 03. 2019 Franco Federico Log-SIEM, NetEye

Field Anonymization with NetEye 4 for GDPR

The regulations of the GDPR in many cases require that some user data is not always present, and / and or that they are anonymized.  So I would like to show you now how NetEye 4 responds to this new requirement. NetEye 4 is composed of various modules. In the NetEye 4 Log Manager, we have Elastic…

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