Blog Entries

26. 03. 2020 Nicolae Caragia NetEye

Report Problems By Email – NetEye 4

Use case : I want to send a PDF with services problems by email. Let’s suppose a client wants to receive an email containing a file with a list of all service problems. Unfortunately, the SLM module doesn’t have the ability to specify the filter service_state on the object field, so I modified the export_csv_export.php…

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26. 03. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.10

For the SLM module, we fixed a bug that didn’t correctly clean up Monitored Object related “Event Adjustments” once a host or service has been deleted. For the module GLPI Plugin OCSInventoryNG, we fix an auto-setup script that blocked the neteye_secure_install execution during a clean installation of the neteye-asset group in a cluster environment. For…

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25. 03. 2020 NetEye Blog Admin Events

Dear customers and partners,

As you may have heard, as of Saturday evening, 21.03.20, the Italian government has added further restrictions regarding ongoing business operations. We would like to inform you that even so, we are continuing our customer activities at 100%. This means that we are fully operational at all locations and in all departments, while always of…

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25. 03. 2020 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Informing Customers on the EriZone Web Interface

Your web shop is down, a fact that was already reported by your monitoring system.  After two minutes the first customer sends in a ticket, asking if you’re aware of the problem.  And then another 12 customers after him, resulting in 13 quite useless tickets. Or perhaps you have a planned ERP downtime, and you’ve…

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24. 03. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.10

For the module SLM, we fixed a bug that didn’t allow users to save SLA Type form without including “downtimes” and Contract form without considering “Event Adjustments”. For NetEye 4.10 we updated: icingaweb2-module-slm, icingaweb2-module-slm to version 2.16.1-1

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23. 03. 2020 Nicolae Caragia NetEye

Deploy Dashboard – NetEye4

Use case: I want to deploy different dashboards for different Group Users or specific Users in NetEye4. At the following URL you can find the script: This script allows you to deploy a template dashboard to: A list of users All members of a specific AD group (LDAP) The requirements are: Python3 A user…

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23. 03. 2020 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring iSeries Hosts with NetEye

Last week I had to implement monitoring checks for a customer’s host running an IBM iSeries server. As the monitoring for that is a bit particular, I’d like to share what I did, and also share with you an Icinga2 Basket containing the monitoring structure. Where to Find the Necessary Files You may download the…

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20. 03. 2020 Alessandro Valentini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.10

Fixed a bug which overrides logstash certificates when neteye_secure_install is executed preventing external beats to connect to logstash. For NetEye 4.10 we updated: elasticsearch, elasticsearch-autosetup, elasticsearch-neteye-config, elasticsearch-xpack, elasticsearch-xpack-autosetup, kibana, kibana-autosetup, kibana-neteye-config, kibana-xpack, kibana-xpack-autosetup, logstash, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup, logstash-xpack, logstash-xpack-autosetup to version 7.4.0_neteye2.7.2-1

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13. 03. 2020 Luca Franzoi Bug Fixes, Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Bug discovered on NetEye module logmanagement and SIEM

A bug has been discovered on NetEye modules logmanagement and SIEM. If affected, rsyslog directories on system might be created with wrong permissions causing Logstash to be unable to load log lines of some hosts inside Elasticsearch. Users might also receive an error message trying to check signatures for some hosts inside Logmanager Log Check….

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10. 03. 2020 Franco Federico Log-SIEM, NetEye

Monitoring COVID-19 with NetEye – An Italian Use Case

The use case of this blog is about monitoring COVID-19 in Italy. The data used is public, and the source is the Protezione Civile (Italian Civil Protection Office), which updates the data every day after 18:00 on GitHub at the following link: I found the data in various formats and I chose to analyze…

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09. 03. 2020 Enrico Alberti Log-SIEM, NetEye

Store Years of NetFlow Historical Data with Elastic Rollup on NetEye 4.9

Keeping historical data around for analysis is extremely useful but often avoided due to the financial cost of archiving massive amounts of data. Retention periods are thus driven by financial realities rather than by the usefulness of extensive historical data. The Elastic Stack data rollup features provide a means to summarize and store historical data…

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06. 03. 2020 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.10

A missing information in the userguide was added. For NetEye 4.10 we updated: icingaweb2* to version 2.7.3_neteye1.64.1-1

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02. 03. 2020 Franco Federico Log-SIEM, NetEye

Preventing a Brute Force Attack with NetEye SIEM

I have several clients who’ve asked me how they can prevent a brute force attack inside their Windows Infrastructure. This is the use case for this blog post, a solution for which I’ve been studying using NetEye together with its SIEM module. I’ve used a Windows client here, but it’s the same for any server…

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21. 02. 2020 Tobias Goller Log Management, NetEye

Tornado Use Case with Elastic

Before I tell you about one of my latest customer requirements, I would like to briefly explain what our NetEye Tornado module is. In our user guide you will see it written that Tornado is the successor to NetEye’s Event Handler. It is a plugin-based, stateless, scalable rule matching engine written in Rust, based on…

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19. 02. 2020 Thomas Forrer Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.10

A bugfix in the menu of OCS Inventory was fixed inside the Asset Management Feature module. For NetEye 4.10 we updated: ocsinventory-ocsreports to version 2.6.0_neteye1.2.1-1 ocsinventory-ocsreports-autosetup to version 2.6.0_neteye1.2.1-1 ocsinventory-ocsreports-neteye-config to version 2.6.0_neteye1.2.1-1

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