Blog Entries

18. 09. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

The NetEye Design System

As already mentioned in my previous Blog Post, I would like to present our Design System project, based completely on Vue.js. It’s not just a modern UI component library. The whole purpose of a Design System is to define the design principles, style guide, patterns, content tone, and the rules and specifications of “reusable” components….

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18. 09. 2020 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

We fixed an issue in the Log Analytics GUI (Kibana) that was caused from a URL change. If the user saved a bookmark for a dashboard, the link was not working anymore. Now the old links are working again. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: icingaweb2-module-kibana and icingaweb2-module-kibana-autosetup to version 1.10.2-2 neteye-setup to version 1.55.0-2

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17. 09. 2020 Mirko Morandini Unified Monitoring

EriZone: CentOS 6 EOL: Plan Your Migration to CentOS 7 Now!

Dear EriZone customers! Some of your EriZone VMs are still working on CentOS 6, which will reach its End of Life on November 30th, 2020. This means that no new security or bugfix updates will be released after this date. You can check this by running the command: rpm -q centos-release which will tell you…

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12. 09. 2020 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

We fixed an issue in the Tornado GUI, for which it was possible to create and deploy a Filter with a space in the name from the GUI, which would cause Tornado to fail to restart. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: tornado, tornado-autosetup, tornado-common, tornado-neteye-config, tornado-rsyslog-collector-logmanager to version 0.39.8-1 icingaweb2-module-tornado, icingaweb2-module-tornado-autosetup to version 0.22.3-1

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11. 09. 2020 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

We fixed an issue in the neteye_secure_install, causing the configuration of a wrong password for the pkcs12 bundle of the NATS client used by the Tornado Icinga2 Collector. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: tornado, tornado-autosetup, tornado-common, tornado-neteye-config, tornado-rsyslog-collector-logmanager to version 0.39.7-2

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09. 09. 2020 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Installing and Configuring Monitoring Agents in a Windows Domain – Part 1

Scenario It’s quite typical to have several managed Windows Servers joined to a Windows Active Directory Domain. But how do you handle the automated installation and configuration of the monitoring agents? How do you keep them up to date? DSC Framework: A Potential Native Solution DSC (Desired State Configuration) is a management platform in PowerShell…

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08. 09. 2020 Alessandro Valentini Log-SIEM, NetEye

Sigma Rules in NetEye SIEM

In order to protect your business against cyber attacks you need to both harden your systems and promptly detect suspicious activities in your infrastructure. Sigma is an open source project which defines specifications for a standard signature format that allows you to describe relevant log events for security purposes. The Sigma rules language is intended…

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07. 09. 2020 Alessandro Valentini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

With this bugfix release, we fixed a an issue causing tornado to crash when opening more than 1024 files . For NetEye 4.13 we updated: tornado, tornado-autosetup, tornado-common, tornado-neteye-config, tornado-rsyslog-collector-logmanager to version 0.39.6-1

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03. 09. 2020 Andrea Avancini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

With this bugfix release, we fixed a wrong setting that caused, in cluster environments, an inconsistency in the configuration of the icingaweb2 group across the cluster nodes. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: icingacli icingaweb2-selinux icingaweb2-vendor-Parsedown icingaweb2 icingaweb2-vendor-dompdf icingaweb2-vendor-zf1 icingaweb2-autosetup icingaweb2-vendor-HTMLPurifier php-Icinga icingaweb2-common icingaweb2-vendor-JShrink icingaweb2-devel icingaweb2-vendor-lessphp to version 2.7.3_neteye1.73.3-1

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01. 09. 2020 Alessandro Valentini Icinga Web 2, NetEye

NetPye: how to use a RaspberryPi as NetEye Satellite

This article explains how to set up a NetEye4 satellite using a Raspberry Pi. This is not an official guide and this solution is not officially supported. As test-bed I used a Raspberry Pi 4B with 4GB of ram, 32GB microSD card and NetEye 4.12 single-node installation as master. Master Configuration Add a new zone…

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31. 08. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo Development, NetEye

Getting in Touch with the Flux Language and NetEye

NetEye is a constantly evolving solution that allows you to monitor the status of heterogeneous objects and collect metrics from different sources. Properly correlated, this data can become an important source of information for your business. With the 4.13 release we added an important tool that allows you to manage data: we upgraded InfluxDB to…

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27. 08. 2020 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

With this bugfix release, we fixed a wrong behaviour caused by the rename of the Root entity in GLPI. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: glpi-plugin-icingaweb2sso, glpi-plugin-icingaweb2sso-autosetup to version 1.5.1-1 icingaweb2-module-assetmanagement, icingaweb2-module-assetmanagement-autosetup to version 1.16.0-2 ocsinventory-ocsreports, ocsinventory-ocsreports-autosetup, ocsinventory-ocsreports-neteye-config to version 2.6.0_neteye1.7.2-1

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26. 08. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

With this bugfix release, we fixed a file-permission related bug in the logmanager module. This caused a discordant result between the logmanager graphical interface and the icingacli command after the blockchain consistency verification. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: icingaweb2-module-logmanager and icingaweb2-module-logmanager-autosetup to version 0.33.4-2

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21. 08. 2020 Nicola Degara NetEye, Service Management, SLM, Unified Monitoring

The NetEye and Jira Cloud Ecosystem Is Even More Integrated

Between one trial run and another, in these summer days I’ve also taken my time to deepen the theme on the interaction between NetEye 4 and ticketing systems. For my tests I chose the Jira Service Desk Cloud, and I must honestly say that the result achieved was satisfactory 🙂 As a method of integration…

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20. 08. 2020 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Understand Which Agents you Need to Upgrade

As you may already know, starting with version 4.12 NetEye 4 upgraded its Icinga 2 engine from version 2.10.5 to version 2.11.3. At every training session, I always emphasize this rule: Icinga 2 Master Instance version >= Icinga 2 Satellite Instance version >= Icinga 2 Agent Instance version And thus everyone expects that his or…

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