Blog Entries

11. 01. 2021 Gianluca Piccolo Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Use NetEye 4.15 JWT Built-in Authentication to use Fusion Inventory and GLPI

Use Case Suppose we want to trigger Fusion Inventory execution in a GLPI installation, where we can then use the Autonomous mode to import data into GLPI via a CURL request. Let’s see how JWT (JSON Web Token) can help us in NetEye 4.15. Prerequisites A NetEye 4.15 (or later) installation with the Asset module…

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11. 01. 2021 Mirko Morandini Downloads / Release Notes, Service Management

EriZone 5.9 Release Notes

Welcome to the latest version of our Service Management solution EriZone version 5.9. Product: EriZoneRelease Number: 5.9Release Date: January 7, 2021Release Type: MinorPrevious Release: 5.8 These release notes for EriZone 5.9 describe changes and improvements, and provide information on how to upgrade. Enhancements Upgrade of OTRS to 5.0.42 including security updates and improved translations. Postmaster filter…

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09. 01. 2021 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.15

We fixed a problem related to the use of Flux as data source language compatibility in the ITOA module. For NetEye 4.15 we updated: icingaweb2-module-analytics icingaweb2-module-analytics-autosetup to version 1.34.1-1 influxdb influxdb-autosetup influxdb-neteye-config to version 1.8.3_neteye2.4.1-1

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04. 01. 2021 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

Monitor Your Project Budget in Jira

Are you managing your projects in Jira and want to control their expenses? HawkBudget could be the application for you, and its 30-day trial is free. Thanks to HawkBudget you can enter a budget target for your project and keep costs related to hours worked and expenses under control. Let’s start! If you’ve never downloaded…

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30. 12. 2020 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own YouTube Tutorials, Part 1

In a recent blog post I described our new Alyvix YouTube channel that contains the 20 Alyvix tutorial videos we’ve created this year. Each video is a self-contained tutorial that showcases one aspect of how Alyvix can be used for visual monitoring, both practical application examples and for learning basic concepts and operations. Since one…

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30. 12. 2020 Damiano Chini NetEye

The New Command Orchestrator Feature Module

One of the features introduced in the 4.15 NetEye release is the Command Orchestrator. The aim of this newly introduced feature module is to allow limited-access NetEye users to execute predefined commands on hosts, without needing full access to the targeted device. Within the Command Orchestrator, the NetEye administrator defines which commands can be executed,…

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30. 12. 2020 Damiano Chini NetEye

VMD – Tornado Integration

We introduced an interesting new feature into NetEye starting in version 4.13 that permits integrating vSphereDB with Tornado. By being able to process vSphereDB Events and Alarms with Tornado rules and actions, you can for example use vSphereDB to dynamically monitor Virtual Machines and Hosts. Architecture Finding a way to send Alarms and Events stored…

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28. 12. 2020 Rocco Pezzani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Cleaning up Your Certificate Inventory

Some of my customers make use of short-expiration SSL Certificates signed by Let’s Encrypt or similar services. Our company also makes extensive use of this kind of certificate, and in the near future most (if not all) of your SSL Certificates will in any event become like them as their expiration date approaches. Maybe some…

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28. 12. 2020 Michele Santuari Development

Research & Development – Spike (Part 4)

In a series of blog posts (1, 2, 3), I have described how we have incrementally improved our Agile process since I joined the team. In the last post, I highlighted how we estimate the development efforts for each task in order to be able to prioritize our various activities. We have already seen how…

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25. 12. 2020 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.15

We added a fix for GLPI and OCS systemd timers that now allows them to execute only on the active node in a cluster environment. For NetEye 4.15 we updated: glpi glpi-autosetup glpi-neteye-config to version 9.5.1_neteye1.9.4-1 glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng and glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng-autosetup to version 1.7.0_neteye1.3.2-1

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25. 12. 2020 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.14

We added a fix for GLPI and OCS systemd timers that now allows them to execute only on the active node in a cluster environment. For NetEye 4.14 we updated: glpi glpi-autosetup glpi-neteye-config to version 9.5.1_neteye1.9.4-1 glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng and glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng-autosetup to version 1.7.0_neteye1.3.2-1

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23. 12. 2020 Stefano Bruno NetEye, Unified Monitoring

The NagVis module: Adding a Grafana Panel on Mouse-over

Hi everyone, in this article I want to tell you about the NagVis module and how we’re going to customize a template so that it can allow us to modify the information displayed during mouse-over (hover). Basically, what we’ll try to achieve will be to preview the performance graphs written on Influx via an additional…

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23. 12. 2020 Thomas Forrer Development, NetEye

Adopting Pulp 2: A Migration Journey #2

In the previous chapter of this blog post series, we discussed how Würth Phoenix has recently adopted Pulp as its main repository management platform. To briefly recap, Pulp is a free and open-source platform for managing repositories of software packages and artifacts and making them available to a larger audience. The types of packages and…

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23. 12. 2020 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Tornado – Getting in Action with Sample Rules

The new complex event processing engine Tornado has been evolving quite quickly during the last few NetEye releases. As you might imagine after reading the latest Neteye 4.15 release notes, Tornado Editor is becoming very powerful and users will find a comfortable UI for configuring Tornado filters and rules. For me, interacting with Tornado had…

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23. 12. 2020 Michele Santuari Development

RPM/ISO Repository: Disk Space Optimization

Our NetEye Unified Monitoring Solution is distributed and maintained via ISO images and RPM Packages. In the past, we used the mrepo tool to manage our RPMs/ISO repositories, and during the current year we migrated to Pulp, as my colleague Andrea has already described. As an R&D team, we continuously release new features in development…

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