Blog Entries

02. 05. 2023 Davide Gallo Contribution, NetEye

Using Ansible to Automate Agent Deployment

NetEye relies on many agents in order to monitor just one server, some examples are: Icinga, Telegraf, Elastic beats, GLPI agent and so on. As a Site Reliability Engineer, I’m responsible for ensuring that all these agents run smoothly. This can involve performing repetitive and time-consuming tasks like managing configurations, deploying updates, and provisioning new…

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28. 04. 2023 Juergen Vigna Icinga Web 2, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Elasticsearch Snapshots and How to Monitor Them

If you have a NetEye with SIEM Module activated or own an Elasticsearch installation then you have surely activated the Elasticsearch Snapshots to make backups of all your indexes (or at least the important ones). However you have to take a regular look at your Snapshots Reports to check that everything is working correctly. I…

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27. 04. 2023 Tobias Goller Anomaly Detection, Unified Monitoring

Alerting on Network Traffic Anomalies with ntopng

Today I’d like to tell you about the possibility of alerting when anomalies in network traffic are encountered. I use ntopng to generate, evaluate and forward these alerts. If you don’t know about ntopng, let me briefly describe for you what it does. According to its creator, ntopng is a High-Speed Web-based Traffic Analysis and…

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22. 04. 2023 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

We fixed a bug that was preventing the first secure install of a cluster to success. Now the ClickHouse autosetup, which contained the spotted bug, has been fixed and updated. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages:

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22. 04. 2023 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fix for NetEye 4.29

We fixed a bug that was preventing the first secure install of a cluster to success. Now the ClickHouse autosetup, which contained the spotted bug, has been fixed and updated. Moreover we fixed two bugs related to Tenants having a name starting with numbers. In particular a bug that in this case caused the Satellite…

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22. 04. 2023 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.27

We fixed a bug that was preventing the first secure install of a cluster to success. Now the ClickHouse autosetup, which contained the spotted bug, has been fixed and updated. For NetEye 4.27 we updated the following packages:

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21. 04. 2023 Alessandro Romboli Business Service Monitoring, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Veritas Backup Exec

Scenario Veritas Backup Exec is widely used for the backup of physical machines through local installed agents both on Windows and Linux hosts. It also supports application backup for Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint and several different Database engines, with the option of a granular application data restore. The product additionally supports virtual backup through Hyper-V and…

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20. 04. 2023 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fix for NetEye 4.29

We fixed a bug that caused the command for creating or editing a tenant to fail without any error in case one of the configuration files contained an invalid JSON. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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19. 04. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fix for NetEye 4.29

Fixed a bug that blocks neteye upgrade under some conditions For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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19. 04. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

We applied some vulnerability fixes to GLPI. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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12. 04. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

Fixed a bug that caused SLM reports to fail due to a not considered condition in downtimes. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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07. 04. 2023 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

Fixed a bug that caused neteye_secure_install to fail due to a misconfiguration of Elastic certificates. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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07. 04. 2023 William Calliari Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

We fixed a bug that caused tornado smart monitoring executor to throw errors if the object name contained some special characters. Together with this bug fix we also deprecated the retry option on pending object, as we resolved this issue in NetEye 4.22. If a custom configuration was created, it will be backed up as…

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06. 04. 2023 Alessandro Valentini DevOps, NetEye

A Productive OpenShift Use Case: NetEye User Guide

In December 2022 we decided to completely restructure the code of our User Guide. Previously, each project contained its own documentation, but this led to very difficult and time-consuming development having the code scattered across more than 40 repositories. Furthermore our contributors are not necessarily NetEye developers, or even developers at all. Setting up a…

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06. 04. 2023 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

We fixed a bug that caused some SNMP traps to be lost by the Tornado collector. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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