Blog Entries

01. 09. 2016 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye 3.8 è stato rilasciato!

Le innovazioni più rilevanti contenute nell’ultima versione di NetEye comprendono miglioramenti nei moduli di Discovery, Asset Management, e nuove possibilità per riconoscere pattern e trend di una mole di dati elevata. Inoltre, il rilascio di Alyvix 2.3 offre nuove funzionalità per il monitoraggio della End User Experience, integrabile in NetEye.

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31. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-documentation-3.7.2-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Added NetEye 3.8 upgrade documentation and release notes Update Dokuwiki cache on installation (ND-1)

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31. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-documentation-3.7.2-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Added NetEye 3.8 upgrade documentation and release notes Update Dokuwiki cache on installation (ND-1)

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31. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-documentation-3.7.2-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Added NetEye 3.8 upgrade documentation and release notes Update Dokuwiki cache on installation (ND-1)

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31. 08. 2016 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Using EriZone for Access Management and Provisioning

A critical part of IT Service Management is the management of access to all kinds of IT-related resources, including not only the access to IT systems, networks and software, but also the provisioning of devices such as phones and laptops, contracts (e.g. phone or data contracts with 3rd party operators) and often also items regarding…

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31. 08. 2016 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Access Management und Beschaffungsprozesse mit EriZone

Eine wichtige Aufgabe des IT-Servicemanagements ist die Verwaltung des Zugriffs auf IT-bezogene Ressourcen. Darunter fallen nicht nur die Zugänge zu IT-Systemen, Netzwerken und Software, sondern auch die Bereitstellung von Geräten (Telefon, Laptop etc.) und Verträgen (z. B. Telefon- oder Datenverträge mit Drittanbietern). Zudem werden oft auch Ressourcen vom IT-Team verwaltet, die sich auf das Facility…

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31. 08. 2016 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Access management e approvvigionamento con EriZone

Una componente molto importante dell’IT Service Management è la gestione dell’accesso a tutte le risorse legate all’IT, includendo sia l’accesso ai sistemi IT, rete e software, che anche la fornitura di dispositivi quali telefoni, laptop e contratti (ad es. contratti con fornitori di servizi telefonici). On molte organizzazioni IT si include anche la gestione di…

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31. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package smstools3-3.1.11_neteye1.0.7 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Revert SMST3-3 Change log path of send-sms-protocol.log in to /var/log/neteye/smstool (SMST3-4)

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31. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package smstools3-3.1.11_neteye1.0.7 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Revert SMST3-3 Change log path of send-sms-protocol.log in to /var/log/neteye/smstool (SMST3-4)

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31. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package smstools3-3.1.11_neteye1.0.7 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Revert SMST3-3 Change log path of send-sms-protocol.log in to /var/log/neteye/smstool (SMST3-4)

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30. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.2.12-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug in report scheduling: NetEye reporting integration usability/issue (NETHRUK-69) Fixed bug where Host alias and customer logo do not show up in NetEye Theme (NETHRUK-77) Fixed bug where EventCorrection Help link is not correct (NETHRUK-80)

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30. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.2.12-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug in report scheduling: NetEye reporting integration usability/issue (NETHRUK-69) Fixed bug where Host alias and customer logo do not show up in NetEye Theme (NETHRUK-77) Fixed bug where EventCorrection Help link is not correct (NETHRUK-80)

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30. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.2.12-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug in report scheduling: NetEye reporting integration usability/issue (NETHRUK-69) Fixed bug where Host alias and customer logo do not show up in NetEye Theme (NETHRUK-77) Fixed bug where EventCorrection Help link is not correct (NETHRUK-80)

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30. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package smstool3-3.1.11_neteye1.0.6-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Change log path of send-sms-protocol.log in to /var/log/neteye/smstool (SMST3-3)

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30. 08. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package smstool3-3.1.11_neteye1.0.6-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: Change log path of send-sms-protocol.log in to /var/log/neteye/smstool (SMST3-3)

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