Blog Entries

08. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-reporting-3.7.1-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – Fixed Bug where Custom range selection note was displayed only once after page reload (NEREP-103)

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08. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package grafana-3.1.1_neteye1.0.2-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – Fixed bug: Wrong group in apache config (NGRF-3)

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08. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package grafana-3.1.1_neteye1.0.2-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – Fixed bug: Wrong group in apache config (NGRF-3)

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08. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package grafana-3.1.1_neteye1.0.2-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – Fixed bug: Wrong group in apache config (NGRF-3)

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08. 09. 2016 Karlis Upitis NetEye

Durchgängiger Stil dank Komponentenbibliothek

Die Rolle des Front-End-Entwicklers ist inmitten vieler anderer Rollen positioniert. Um einheitliche Produkte liefern zu können, muss der Front-End-Entwickler auf Design, Back-End, Inhalt und andere Dinge achten und besonderen Wert darauf legen, dass alle Elemente gut zusammenspielen und harmonieren [2]. Missverständnisse, verschwendete Zeit, das Synchronisieren der Elemente auf Entwicklungs- und Produktionsumgebungen, doppelte Arbeitsschritte – das…

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08. 09. 2016 Karlis Upitis NetEye, Service Management

Style Consistency thanks to Component Library

A front end developer is positioned in the middle of lots of other jobs. To successfully deliver products he has to be aware of design, back end, content and other things that make everything nicely work together [2]. Misunderstandings, wasted time on synchronizing elements in development and production environments, duplicate work – these are just…

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08. 09. 2016 Karlis Upitis NetEye

Stile coerente grazie ad una Component Library

Lo sviluppatore front-end si trova sempre in mezzo a tante e diverse attività. Per poterle portare a termine nel miglior modo possibile, lo sviluppatore front-end deve essere informato sul design, back-end, contenuti e tutti i dettagli che rendono l’insieme piacevole all’uso [2]. Fraintendimenti, tempo sprecato per sincronizzare elementi in ambienti di sviluppo e di produzione, lavori duplici – sono…

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08. 09. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Save the Date! NetEye & EriZone UserGroup 2016

The future is now!  L´impatto strategico sull´IT Management nell´era di Big Data e Cloud Cantine Ferrari, Trento, Giovedì 20 ottobre 14:00 – 18:00 Scoprite le nuove leve di innovazione in ambito IT System & Service Management al prossimo NetEye & EriZone UserGroup, l’evento unico per individuare le sfide emergenti nella gestione dei servizi IT e…

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08. 09. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Service Management

Save the date! NetEye & EriZone UserGroup 2016

The future is now!  The strategic impact on the IT Management in the Big Data and Cloud era Cantine Ferrari, Trento, Thursday October 20th, 14:00 – 18:00 Discover the recent IT System & Service management innovations at the next NetEye & EriZone UserGroup, the unique event dedicated to our customers to identify emerging challenges in the ITSM…

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08. 09. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Save the date! NetEye & EriZone UserGroup 2016

The future is now!  The strategic impact on the IT Management in the Big Data and Cloud era Cantine Ferrari, Trento, Thursday October 20th, 14:00 – 18:00 Discover the recent IT System & Service management innovations at the next NetEye & EriZone UserGroup, the unique event dedicated to our customers to identify emerging challenges in the ITSM…

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07. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-documentation-3.7.5-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: – fixed version in link label of RPM package list

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07. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-documentation-3.7.5-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: – fixed version in link label of RPM package list

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07. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-documentation-3.7.5-1 (NetEye 3.7)

ChangeLog: – fixed version in link label of RPM package list

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07. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-thruk-theme-1.0.2-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – fixed bug: Typo in Grafana name (NTT-2)

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07. 09. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-thruk-theme-1.0.2-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – fixed bug: Typo in Grafana name (NTT-2)

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