Blog Entries

25. 09. 2023 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We fixed a bug in the NetEye upgrade that regards the update of the Elastic Stack packages in cluster environments. The bug occurred in case of encountered errors and resulted in the procedure finishing the steps instead of instantly aborting the operations. Now is possible to update the nodes of the NetEye cluster without hesitations….

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19. 09. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We fixed a bug for which the generic El Proxy composable index templates in Elasticsearch, so those not matching a particular Beat, did not include the ECS mappings and this could have led to wrongly indexed data. After the fix, the templates include by default the ECS 8.0.0 mappings. Updated packages For NetEye 4.31 we…

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18. 09. 2023 Camilla Biamino Events, NetEye, SEC4U, Service Management

NetEye User Group IT 2023

The event dedicated to the NetEye community is back again! A taste of innovation! Discover the new trends in monitoring and service management seasoned with a pinch of Cybersecurity. Taste the nuances of the various successful NetEye projects and be guided by the scent of curiosity for the latest technological trends. Appointment on 28th of…

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13. 09. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.30

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Upgrade Manager that caused the procedure to possibly use the wrong repository metadata when understanding which NetEye *-configurator packages need to be installed to support the upgrade and update procedures. Updated packages For NetEye 4.30 we updated the following packages:

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13. 09. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Upgrade Manager that caused the procedure to possibly use the wrong repository metadata when understanding which NetEye *-configurator packages need to be installed to support the upgrade and update procedures. Updated packages For NetEye 4.31 we updated the following packages:

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12. 09. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Convert and Add a .pfx cert to Pulp 3 Operator

On our OpenShift cluster we use pulp3 as the repository manager. One recent task we had to do was to add a certificate before we could expose the repository over TLS. Our IT department provided us with the certificate in .pfx format. Following this guide for converting the certificate to a format usable by OpenShift,…

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12. 09. 2023 Davide Gallo Contribution, DevOps, NetEye

Automating Icinga 2 Deployment on Linux Systems

Currently, deploying an Icinga 2 Agent on a Linux system can be intricate, given the substantial variations in the process across different releases or OS families. For instance: Fortunately, there’s no need to develop and maintain a custom script to manage these diverse scenarios. We can leverage the readily available Ansible Plugins for this purpose….

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05. 09. 2023 Rocco Pezzani Development, NetEye

Upgrading to the New nep-setup on NetEye 4.31

After a first semester full of great opportunities (many colleagues like to say so), the wheels have started turning again for NetEye Extension Packs. Now, a big evolution is beginning: in the near future, NEP will encompass the entire NetEye infrastructure, meaning it will also configure and manage NetEye Satellites. To do so, the current…

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05. 09. 2023 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We fixed a bug in El Proxy that caused the verification result sent to the Monitoring to be filled with logs and difficult to read. Now a simplified report with only important information is sent by El Proxy to the Monitoring. Updated packages For NetEye 4.31 we updated the following packages: To correctly apply the…

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04. 09. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We fixed a bug in the Alyvix IcingaWeb2 module for which a missing requirement could led to an error if a certain package was not installed. Updated packages For NetEye 4.31 we updated the following packages:

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04. 09. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.30

We fixed a bug in the Alyvix IcingaWeb2 module for which a missing requirement could led to an error if a certain package was not installed. Updated packages For NetEye 4.30 we updated the following packages:

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30. 08. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We fixed the following 4 bugs related to upgrade procedure to ELK 8. Firstly, we fixed an issue with a script used to set the correct number of replicas for single-node installations, which was throwing an error in case a certain system index, already having the correct setting, was being affected by the procedure. Moreover,…

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29. 08. 2023 Enrico Alberti Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Configuring the New Fleet Server on Elastic 8

The Fleet Management feature was automatically enabled with NetEye release 4.30, and with the current 4.31 version all the Elastic Stack packages will be upgraded to major version 8. These two milestones will permit us to centrally manage log ingestion using the new Elastic Agents (the evolutions of Beats Agents) and forget all the custom…

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28. 08. 2023 Mirko Ioris Blue Team, SEC4U

Hacker Group Activities and Cyber Security Concerns | First Semester 2023

A Security Operation Center (SOC) is a service where the customer is an active participant. Establishing a good relationship with the customer is an important requirement for handling security incidents more efficiently. Our SOC analysts produce and deliver several reports, most of them on a monthly basis. They are usually presented to clients during a…

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25. 08. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

Debug and Workarounds for a Stuck Update on OpenShift 4.13.6

Today we wanted to update our OpenShift cluster, and after a while we came up against the following error: Not good… Let’s start by checking the clusterversion to investigate if we can find any errors: By analyzing the logs further we found the following error: it seems like the openshift-etcd-operator is not able to deploy…

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