Blog Entries

23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-monarch-3.12.4-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed authentication error in Report Scheduling for NetEye Reports (NEREP-148)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-monarch-3.12.4-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed authentication error in Report Scheduling for NetEye Reports (NEREP-148)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-monarch-3.12.4-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed authentication error in Report Scheduling for NetEye Reports (NEREP-148)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-api-1.7.3-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChagneLog: Load neteye configuration from file to prevent overwrite of configuration during updates (NEAPI-104) Fixed bug where we got no BackendId if Backend is missing in section (NEREP-145) Fixed authentication error in Report Scheduling for NetEye Reports (NEREP-148)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-api-1.7.3-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChagneLog: Load neteye configuration from file to prevent overwrite of configuration during updates (NEAPI-104) Fixed bug where we got no BackendId if Backend is missing in section (NEREP-145) Fixed authentication error in Report Scheduling for NetEye Reports (NEREP-148)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-api-1.7.3-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChagneLog: Load neteye configuration from file to prevent overwrite of configuration during updates (NEAPI-104) Fixed bug where we got no BackendId if Backend is missing in section (NEREP-145) Fixed authentication error in Report Scheduling for NetEye Reports (NEREP-148)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.4-1 (for Neteye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed calculation of ‘Insufficient Data’ – Availability with Timeperiods (NMONARCH-41) Handling restored event_corrections in DB from Backup (NEREP-149)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.4-1 (for Neteye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed calculation of ‘Insufficient Data’ – Availability with Timeperiods (NMONARCH-41) Handling restored event_corrections in DB from Backup (NEREP-149)

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23. 01. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.4-1 (for Neteye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed calculation of ‘Insufficient Data’ – Availability with Timeperiods (NMONARCH-41) Handling restored event_corrections in DB from Backup (NEREP-149)

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17. 01. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

EriZone 5 ist ab sofort verfügbar!

EriZone hat sich zu einer umfangreichen Service Management Lösung weiterentwickelt, deren Funktionalitäten-Spektrum den hohen Anforderungen von Unternehmen im Enterprise-Umfeld gerecht wird. Die wichtigsten Verbesserungen der neuesten Version betreffen die Bereich Service Level Management und Service Catalogue Management, sowie die Automatisierung von Prozessen und Aktivitäten. Neben technischer Erweiterungen wurde auch die grafische Benutzeroberfläche komplett neu gestaltet.

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17. 01. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Service Management

EriZone 5 has been released!

EriZone has evolved over the last years, becoming a comprehensive Service Management solution to address enterprise requirements. The most significant enhancements of the latest version regard the areas of Service Level Management and Service Catalogue Management, as well as the introduction of new functionalities to automate and reuse processes and activities. Besides technical extensions, the…

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17. 01. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

EriZone 5 è stato rilasciato!

L’evoluzione di EriZone nel corso degli anni, ha portato il sistema a diventare una soluzione di Service Management completa che fornisce ampie possibilità per rispondere anche alle esigenze più complesse e a livello enterprise. Il rilascio della versione 5 arricchisce la soluzione con importanti funzionalità e miglioramenti soprattutto nelle aree di Service Level Management e…

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17. 01. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye 3.9 è stato rilasciato!

Con il rilascio dell’ultima versione 3.9 di WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye, la soluzione si arricchisce di importanti funzionalità e miglioramenti principalmente nell’area del monitoraggio dei business-service e nell’IT Operations Analytics.

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17. 01. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

NetEye 3.9 has been released!

The most significant enhancements of the latest NetEye version regard the area of Business Service Monitoring. Moreover, the IT Operations Analytics module based on InfluxDB and Grafana is now integrated to the standard delivery of NetEye.

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17. 01. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye 3.9 ist ab sofort verfügbar!

Die wichtigsten Verbesserungen der neuesten NetEye-Version betreffen den Bereich Business Service Monitoring und die standardmäßige Bereitstellung des IT-Operations Analytics Moduls basierend auf InfluxDB und Grafana.

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