Blog Entries

27. 02. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-nagios-bp-1.3.1-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Avoid Duplicate BP elements in User Management (NNBP-7) Fixed bug with duplicate Business Process menu items (NNBP-8) Provide tanslations and default label descriptions for Business Services module (NNBP-6)

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27. 02. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-nagios-bp-1.3.1-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Avoid Duplicate BP elements in User Management (NNBP-7) Fixed bug with duplicate Business Process menu items (NNBP-8) Provide tanslations and default label descriptions for Business Services module (NNBP-6)

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23. 02. 2017 Davide Bizzarri Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk 1.88.4_neteye1.4.8-1 (NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Empty SLA overview graph in report scheduling for hostgroups

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23. 02. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk 1.88.4_neteye1.4.8-1 (NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Empty SLA overview graph in report scheduling for hostgroups

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23. 02. 2017 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk 1.88.4_neteye1.4.8-1 (NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Empty SLA overview graph in report scheduling for hostgroups

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20. 02. 2017 Tobias Goller NetEye

Open Source garantiert Flexibilität bei der Integration von Monitoring-SMS-Benachrichtigungen

Icons by Dod Cosmin / CC BY 3.0 and Icons8 / CC BY-ND 3.0  In diesem Artikel möchte ich zwei wesentliche Vorteile unserer open source IT-System Management Lösung NetEye, im Hinblick auf das Versenden von Monitoring-SMS-Benachrichtigungen hervorheben: Flexibilität bei der Integration Versenden von Benachrichtigungen auch wenn das Monitoring-System selbst nicht mehr reagiert

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20. 02. 2017 Tobias Goller NetEye

Open Source assures flexibility for the integration of SMS monitoring notifications

Icons by Dod Cosmin / CC BY 3.0 and Icons8 / CC BY-ND 3.0  In this article, I would like to underline two main advantages of our open source IT system management solution NetEye, which regard the sending of SMS monitoring notifications. High flexibility for the integration Possibility of sending notifications even in case the monitoring system itself…

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20. 02. 2017 Tobias Goller NetEye

Open Source assicura flessibilità nell’integrazione delle notifiche di monitoraggio tramite SMS

Icons by Dod Cosmin / CC BY 3.0 and Icons8 / CC BY-ND 3.0  Esistono due grandi vantaggi nell’utilizzo di NetEye, il nostro sistema open source di IT System management, relativi alle notifiche di monitoraggio via SMS: Maggiore flessibilità nell’integrazione Possibilità di inviare notifiche anche nel caso in cui il sistema non risponda. Come saprete, le soluzioni open…

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17. 02. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

Grafana Dashboard Tuning: aussagekräftige Informationen statt einem Haufen Daten

Grafana und InfluxDB sind jetzt in unsere IT System Management Lösung NetEye integriert. Diese Entscheidung wurde hauptsächlich getroffen, weil Grafana & InfluxDB in Kombination einen sehr hohen Grad an Flexibilität und Anpassung bieten. Neben dem Log Management, Inventory & Asset Management, Business Service Management und weiteren, bietet NetEye nun auch ein IT Operations Analytics Modul….

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17. 02. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

How to Tune Your Grafana Dashboards

Grafana and InfluxDB have been integrated to our IT System Management solution NetEye. This step was motivated by the high flexibility and variability offered by the combination of the two open source tools. Besides modules such as Log Management, Inventory & Asset Management, Business Service Management and many others, NetEye now offers also an IT Operations…

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17. 02. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

Linee guida per l’ottimizzazione delle dashboard di Grafana

Recentemente Grafana e InfluxDB sono stati integrati nella nostra soluzione di IT System Management NetEye. Questa decisione è motivata dai elevati livelli di flessibilità e varietà offerte dalla combinazione di questi due strumenti open source. Oltre a Log Management, Inventory & Asset Management, Business Service Management e altri, ora NetEye offre anche un modulo IT Operations Analytics….

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17. 02. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-businessprocess-1.0.10-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Added PluginOutput to logs (related to NEREP-156)

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17. 02. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-businessprocess-1.0.10-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Added PluginOutput to logs (related to NEREP-156)

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17. 02. 2017 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-businessprocess-1.0.10-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Added PluginOutput to logs (related to NEREP-156)

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Services with long names are truncated in SLA tables (NEREP-158)

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