Blog Entries

08. 07. 2024 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

Collecting Netflows – ntopng vs. ElastiFlow

In order to be able to carry out detailed network monitoring, an IT administrator naturally wants to know what is happening in his or her network. To obtain this information, the network flows must of course be analyzed. Many network devices offer the option of creating netflows, which are sent to a recipient who can…

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10. 05. 2021 Tobias Goller Log-SIEM, NetEye

Installing Elastiflow on NetEye SIEM

First of all, I’d like to explain in simple terms what Elastiflow is all about. ElastiFlow is a NetFlow analyzer that works with the Elastic Stack. The Elastiflow Analyzer can collect various network flows, such as netflow or sflow, and write them to Elastic, taking into account the ECS format. In addition, the Elastiflow Analyzer…

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09. 03. 2020 Enrico Alberti Log-SIEM, NetEye

Store Years of NetFlow Historical Data with Elastic Rollup on NetEye 4.9

Keeping historical data around for analysis is extremely useful but often avoided due to the financial cost of archiving massive amounts of data. Retention periods are thus driven by financial realities rather than by the usefulness of extensive historical data. The Elastic Stack data rollup features provide a means to summarize and store historical data…

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17. 10. 2019 Tobias Goller ITOA, Log-SIEM, Machine Learning, NetEye

Experiences with Netflow and Machine Learning in Elastic

Some time ago I was able to use the machine learning functionality in Elastic for the first time. I was astonished at how easy it is to use, and how fast it calculates historical data. In my particular case, I loaded Netflow data into the Elastic database. I wanted to use this data to evaluate…

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15. 02. 2016 Tobias Goller Log-SIEM, NetEye

Easy NetFlow Analysis using Kibana4 on NetEye

On NetEye we are using NfSen for the collection, analysis and view of NetFlow data. Unfortunately, many users complain, that the NfSen tool is not that simple to use, especially in terms of fast data analysis and for the reporting of the analysis results to their responsibles.

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06. 10. 2015 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Netflow Analysis With Improved Nfdump Version

With the idea to get out more from the netflow data fetched by Nfdump and with special needs of our customers, we added some new and useful functionalities to make Nfdump even more interesting and useful for your network traffic analysis. First of all, Nfdump is a collection of tools to collect and process netflow…

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30. 03. 2015 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Neu im NetEye Reporting: Darstellung von Top Flow Statistiken

Mit der letzten Version des NetEye Reportings (2.1), welches mit NetEye 3.5 zur Verfügung steht, haben wir zwei neue, sehr interessante Features in Bezug auf die Analyse von NetFlow Statistiken implementiert. Für all jene, die mit NetFlow nicht so vertraut sind: NetFlow ist eine Technik, welche es Ihnen erlaubt IP-Datenströme auf Ihrer nBox zu erfassen….

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16. 03. 2015 Sandro Santinato NetEye

NetEye Reporting with new Top Flow Statistics and Top In/Out Flows

With the version 2.1 of our NetEye Reporting tool comming with NetEye 3.5 we introduced two new and very interesting features regarding the analysis of NetFlow statistics of your network. First of all, for those who are not very familiar with NetFlow, it is a functionality which allows you to capture IP network traffic of…

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03. 06. 2010 Andrea di Lernia NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Using Ntop in collaboration with NetEye

ntop is a web-based traffic analyzer that can also be used as sflow/netflow collector. It is designed to show all the traffic sorted per host/protocol/interface. This apparently makes it similar to a netflow collector such as the one integrated into NetEye. In practice the there are important differences that make NetEye a more flexible collector:…

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