Blog Entries

26. 11. 2018 Susanne Greiner ITOA, NetEye

How to Drop a Tag in InfluxDB

If  you’ve ever had cardinality problems with InfluxDB, you might have discovered that a tag is the likely culprit.  Well done!  But now your next step is getting rid of that tag, and that’s when you’ll realize that in a time series database, tags play an important role in indexing.  Because dropping tags is rather complicated,…

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21. 09. 2018 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Service Management

HackTheAlps Challenge with Würth Phoenix

We are proud to participate as HackTheAlps PlatinSponsor and really curious about what you are going to do to our data! Visual Synthetic Monitoring with Alyvix – User Experience – Enjoy Your Holiday! Most people hate being away from the Internet even when they are on holiday. Many of them might choose a location where…

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04. 04. 2018 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, Events, ITOA, NetEye

Würth Phoenix @ GrafanaConEu 2018

Ever since Version 3.8, Grafana and InfluxDB have been integrated into NetEye.  This step was undertaken for many reasons.  First of all, we wanted to give several metrics a nicer look; second, we wanted to make it possible for our customers to play around with their data, so they could start from predefined templates without…

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27. 03. 2018 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, ITOA, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Multi-Level Dashboarding with Grafana – Use Case: NetEye ITOA | Alyvix

Data collection is one of the key steps when you want to analyze the current state of your network, system or application in terms of performance.  Data visualization is another:  even the most sophisticated data collection cannot help you solve problems if it is visualized poorly. Nowadays a single visualization is often not enough since…

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13. 11. 2017 Susanne Greiner Events, NetEye

Deep Learning – a Recent Trend and Its Potential

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to hardware or software that exhibits behavior which appears intelligent.  Machine Learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.  Deep Learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on learning data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms….

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13. 11. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

Deep Learning – a Recent Trend and Its Potential

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to hardware or software that exhibits behavior which appears intelligent.  Machine Learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.  Deep Learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on learning data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms….

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13. 11. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

Deep Learning – a Recent Trend and Its Potential

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to hardware or software that exhibits behavior which appears intelligent.  Machine Learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.  Deep Learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on learning data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms….

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02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring: il ruolo di machine learning e anomaly detection [Seconda parte]

Machine learning e anomaly detection sono procedimenti utilizzati sempre con più frequenza nell’area del performance monitoring. Ma di cosa si occupano realmente e perché l’interesse in quest’area sta aumentando così rapidamente? Dalla statistica al machine learning Sono stati fatti diversi tentativi per definire le principali differenze tra machine learning e statistica, ma non è sempre…

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02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part II: Welche Rolle spielen Machine Learning und Anomalie Detection?

Immer öfter hören wir im Zusammenhang mit Performance Monitoring auch die Begriffe Machine Learning und Anomaly Detection. Aber was genau bedeuten sie und warum erfreuen sie sich immer größerer Beliebtheit? Von Statistik zu Machine Learning Bereits mehrfach wurde versucht die genauen Unterschiede zwischen Machine Learning und Statistik aufzuzeigen, in der Tat ist es gar nicht so…

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02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, NetEye, Real User Experience

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part II: The Role of Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection

Machine learning and anomaly detection are being mentioned with increasing frequency in performance monitoring. But what are they and why is interest in them rising so quickly? From Statistics to Machine Learning There have been several attempts to explicitly differentiate between machine learning and statistics. It is not so easy to draw a line between…

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20. 06. 2017 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part I

Network traffic keeps becoming more and more heterogeneous. In many cases, it is not enough to monitor a system as we have done in the past. Here I will present the key ingredients according to Würth Phoenix for successful state of the art performance monitoring and proactive analysis of those applications that are critical for…

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20. 06. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part I

Heutzutage ist Netzwerktraffic zunehmend heterogen. In einigen Fällen ist ein traditionalles Monitoring, wie wir es aus der Vergangenheit kennen, nicht mehr ausreichend. Im Folgenden werde ich die wichtigsten Bestandteile einer zeitgemäßen Performance Monitoring Lösung aufzeigen, die sich auch zur proaktiven Analyse businesskritischer Applikation eignet. User Experience und Performance Metriken Hand in Hand für neue Erkenntnisse User Experience…

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20. 06. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part I

Oggigiorno il traffico di rete sta diventando sempre più eterogeneo. In tanti casi non è sufficiente monitorare un sistema con gli stessi metodi utilizzati in passato. Presenterò di seguito quelli che, secondo Würth Phoenix, sono i punti chiave per un monitoraggio all’avanguardia e un’analisi proattiva delle applicazioni critiche per il vostro business. Combinazione User Experience…

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17. 02. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

Grafana Dashboard Tuning: aussagekräftige Informationen statt einem Haufen Daten

Grafana und InfluxDB sind jetzt in unsere IT System Management Lösung NetEye integriert. Diese Entscheidung wurde hauptsächlich getroffen, weil Grafana & InfluxDB in Kombination einen sehr hohen Grad an Flexibilität und Anpassung bieten. Neben dem Log Management, Inventory & Asset Management, Business Service Management und weiteren, bietet NetEye nun auch ein IT Operations Analytics Modul….

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17. 02. 2017 Susanne Greiner NetEye

How to Tune Your Grafana Dashboards

Grafana and InfluxDB have been integrated to our IT System Management solution NetEye. This step was motivated by the high flexibility and variability offered by the combination of the two open source tools. Besides modules such as Log Management, Inventory & Asset Management, Business Service Management and many others, NetEye now offers also an IT Operations…

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