Blog Entries

26. 05. 2011 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye Configtool 1.5.7-1

Changelog 1.5.7-1 – Added support for anonymous LDAP binding in the user profile account module – some bugfixes

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22. 03. 2011 Arianna Cunaccia Events, Unified Monitoring

Nagios World Conference Europe™: The new Linux standard DRBD

During the Nagios World Conference Europe™, one of the topic that will be presented is “Real Time Cluster Synchronisation for more Reliability in High Availability Systems”. Martin Loschwitz, Linbit Senior consultant, will clarify this concept introducing new Linux standards DRBD and explaining how DRBD can substitute the SAN data center. “The data are the lifeblood…

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24. 02. 2011 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye: Qui custodiet custodes

Chi controlla i controllori?Con questo non voglio certo discutere come Giovenale sui costumi romani, ma presentare un nuovo strumento che darà maggior sicurezza all’appliance NetEye.La nuova funzionalità si occupa di tenere sotto controllo lo stato di NetEye. Qualora l’Appliance non desse più segni di vita, si attiva in automatico l’invio di SMS di emergenza per…

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09. 02. 2011 Juergen Vigna Unified Monitoring

Development: Gearman and ModGearman packages

To be able to increase performance and number of possible processed Nagios checks, NetEye introduces the use of Gearman and ModGearman to schedule Nagios Service- and Host checks. ModGearman is a new way of distributing active Nagios checks across your network. It consists of two parts: The NEB module, which resides in the Nagios core,…

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04. 01. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Predictive Analysis, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Nagios Performance Graphs

This post introduces a check strategy to monitor the freshness of Nagios performance graphs. When the feature is enabled Nagios is generating performance graphs, that are updated automatically with the execution of a single check. Such a check result delivers also the so called “performance data”, content interpreted by dedicated listeners behind the Nagios process….

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21. 12. 2010 NetEye Blog Admin Events, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Collection and Exploration of Large Data

Hakin9, a free monthly magazine on IT Security in its December edition published an article written by Luca Deri mentioning also the adoption of the nBox appliance with a pre-installed ntop and anProbe software. The magazine also pre-announced the 2011 edition of our Conference on Nagios & OSS Monitoring scheduled for the 12th of May. snort_exposed_hakin9_14-172 snort_exposed_hakin9_38-39

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17. 12. 2010 Georg Kostner NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Customer Survey on NetEye

Surveying not only helps us to stay on top of our customer needs, but gives us also an edge over the competition as well. That is the reason for conducting a customer satisfaction survey in the recent past and also the cause why we will use this direct feedback opportunity regularly to improve service and…

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02. 11. 2010 Oreste Attanasio Events, Unified Monitoring

“You would be crazy not to use the potential of Open Source”

Interview with Gerhard Lausser, Nagios expert, plugin developer (check_logfiles und check_oracle_health) and author of various Nagios publications. In 2009 you’ve published a book on Nagios features and functionalities: which were the main focus points and what’s your experience in relation to the plugins you’ve developed? The goal of my book was not to be another…

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02. 11. 2010 Thomas Forrer NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Your are being monitored!

Who is using your network? What makes your network traffic? Who is consuming most of the bandwidth? If you want to answer these questions you should become a nBox user. See the details of the new version 6.0. including the new User Manual.

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25. 10. 2010 Oreste Attanasio NetEye, Service Management, Unified Monitoring

OTRS version 3 – what´s new?

The main features of the new OTRS version focus on the usability of the web application. The all-new user-centered design features an enhanced New Ticket dashboard, a dynamic Ticket Zoom view, enhanced search, an interactive Global Ticket overview, ticket archiving, and accessibility compliance. The news at a glance? User Centered redesign of the Graphical User…

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19. 10. 2010 Patrick Soppera Unified Monitoring

A safe network for a relaxed life

Are your IT Projects becoming like the leaning tower of Pisa?  Do you need to identify jams in your network? Maybe the following funny presentation could provide you with a solution… A safe network for a relaxed life View more presentations from Würth Phoenix.

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23. 08. 2010 Oreste Attanasio Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

Business Process Monitoring

In relazione con quanto scritto da Andrea di Lernia in precedenza, vorrei aggiungere dei particolari tecnici sul plugin Nagios Business Process. Come spiegato da Andrea, grazie a questo Add-on e’ possibile strutturare i host e servizi di Nagios in modo da riflettere la propria infrastruttura. Includendo nella struttura anche le dipendenze e’ possibile simulare l’effetto…

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18. 08. 2010 Andrea di Lernia Business Service Monitoring, Unified Monitoring

che succede se ……

Spesso come IT Manager ci chiediamo che cosa potrebbe succedere se una componente della nostra struttura informatica, sia essa un Hardware, un applicazione, un servizio o altro ancora)  dovesse dare forfait; quale potrebbero essere le conseguenze di un malfunzionamento ? Che impatto avrebbe sul business aziendale ? Certo, immaginare l’ impatto che potrebbe avere l’ interruzione di…

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12. 08. 2010 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Why using sunglasses for monitoring your IT? Find it out!

The importance of wearing big sunglasses in IT MONITORING View more presentations from ERPbackstage.

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05. 08. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Linux / Unix Memory and CPU monitoring

MEMORY: Free system memory The check of free system memory of linux systems may not be pointed directly to the information of the really ‘free’ memory, since Linux is making use of the best reasonable amount of pysical memory. Indeed, we can find the information of the memory occupied by the system but not used…

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