Blog Entries

18. 09. 2019 Omar Bertò APM, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

AX 2012 Intermittent Inventory On-Hand Performance Monitoring and Solution using Alyvix and NetEye SAAS

One frequently noted problem in AX 2012 is the performance of inventory on-hand.  The worst part is that while the problem is known, the solutions aren’t.  You can try to solve it by guessing and poking around, but you may never discover the true underlying cause. And it’s also a bit of a naughty beast:  here today, gone…

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05. 08. 2019 Alessandro Romboli Asset Management, NetEye

Monitoring a Cisco Wireless Controller

Scenario Cisco WLC is widely used by many Enterprise Companies to manage their wireless networks due to its efficiency and advanced features. Its management web console has a wealth of configuration parameters, but it doesn’t offer a clear overview on what’s happening across the wireless network. Fortunately, a lot of real time information is available…

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30. 07. 2019 Angelo Rosace Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How To: Using the Elastic Watcher Feature to React to Failed Logon Attempts (Part 1)

The introduction of the new Elastic Features (formerly, X-Pack packages) for the Elastic Stack added many new functionalities to the previous implementation in Net-Eye. One of them is the Watcher feature. Let’s discuss a use case based on this feature. Imagine you as a user want to somehow trigger a webhook alert every time something…

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08. 07. 2019 Charles Callaway Documentation, Unified Monitoring

“How To” Improve the User Guide

Every software suite needs documentation. But the more features we add to NetEye to meet customer needs, the larger the user guide becomes.  Over time, it’s important to make sure that the guide continues to meet the needs of NetEye users despite this. In particular, modern methodologies like Agile that we use in NetEye often…

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08. 07. 2019 Andrea Avancini Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

ISO Generation with Ansible – Part 2

As mentioned in the previous post of this series, at Würth Phoenix we build our NetEye ISOs from scratch every night to be sure that every morning everything will be fresh.To perform this activity with no manual intervention in a robust, repeatable, and reliable way, the R&D team uses Jenkins, a well known open source…

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04. 07. 2019 Andrea Detassis Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

ISO Generation with Ansible – Part 1

Here at Würth Phoenix, we ship software in many different ways, but one of the main methods to support on-premise installations is with an ISO file. With the ISO we allow our customers to install NetEye, the underlying OS, and all dependencies in a flexible yet simple way. Since this is so important, how can…

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02. 07. 2019 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How To Recover from a DRBD9 Metadata Split Brain Situation

As soon as you manage more than a few DRBD resources distributed over a wide set of hardware, split brain situations cannot always be avoided. Standard split brains are caused by multiple nodes having different opinions about the latest state of the data on their local disk. Disclaimer: If applied incorrectly, commands in this blog…

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27. 06. 2019 Giuseppe Di Garbo Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

Network Performance Monitoring Automation with NetEye 4

Automating the monitoring process in Enterprise environments is a challenge that led Icinga to create features such as their REST API and the Icinga Director module. In both new NetEye4 projects and those being migrated from NetEye3 to NetEye4, this challenge is one of the aspects that I highlight the most and is certainly one…

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27. 06. 2019 Stefano Bruno NetEye, Unified Monitoring

A Simple Way to Deploy Linux Agents Using the Icinga 2 API

The Agent’s distribution is probably one of those more time-consuming tasks. This can be for various reasons: different operating systems, network segregation, administrative credentials that are difficult to obtain, or even more simply, a large number of Agents to install. We know that the Agent installation on Windows servers is made easier by this PowerShell…

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20. 06. 2019 Andrea Avancini Events, ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

InfluxDays London 2019

As did for the last year edition, our DevOps team participated at InfluxDays, a conference organized by InfluxData and focused on time series data. We were really looking at the event with excitement, for all the new features InfluxData is putting into the new InfluxDB 2.0. So, apart from grabbing a very nice t-shirt, we…

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18. 06. 2019 MarinovMihail NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Go pprof – How to Understand Where There is Memory Retention

Recently I had to face a problem concerning a daemon written in Go that was consuming all available memory – causing critical and unpredictable situations for all the other components of the system. The first alarm came from NetEye: There was something that was requesting more and more memory. It was easy to understand which…

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17. 06. 2019 Valentina Da Rold Business Service Monitoring, Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

NetEye is Moving to a Completely Automated Upgrade Procedure

Process automation refers to the ability of a technological system to execute a series of tasks that were originally performed by humans. Such automation also controls, corrects and increases the visibility of the status of workflows and tasks, and generates reports throughout the process. The primary benefits of procedure automation are most surely productivity and…

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22. 05. 2019 Tobias Goller APM, Cloud, Log Management, NetEye

Cloud Monitoring

The new challenge for monitoring solutions is to monitor infrastructure, software, and platforms that run in the cloud, or that are outsourced. The various contract models with cloud providers/outsourcers no longer focus on infrastructure monitoring, such as monitoring the fans or power supply in a physical server, but rather the availability and performance of applications,…

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08. 05. 2019 NetEye Blog Admin Events, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

The “Bärner Monitoring Conference”

Industry insight into the rapidly evolving world of System Management and IT Monitoring: we were proud to be part of one inspiring community event at the “Bärner Analytic and Monitoring Conference” / Switzerland, where Georg talked about User Experience and End to End Monitoring with Alyvix. We had a great time together, learning about and…

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17. 04. 2019 Tobias Goller NetEye, Predictive Analysis, Unified Monitoring

MSSQL Performance Monitoring: The Sequel

Due to the very positive customer feedback on our extended MSSQL performance monitoring article, I would like to briefly highlight this functionality. We have been implementing systems for MSSQL performance monitoring for a long time, offered either as a managed IT service, or on-premise depending on the requirements. Previously, we recorded and evaluated counters such…

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