Blog Entries

19. 05. 2020 Tobias Goller NetEye, Unified Monitoring

An Experience with Shutdown Manager in NetEye 4

In one of my last consulting activities, I finally had the opportunity to set up a shutdown policy with the new Shutdown Manager in NetEye 4. As you probably know, the use of a shutdown management solution is particularly useful in a disaster recovery environment. And that’s exactly why I used the Shutdown Manager. Let…

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19. 05. 2020 Nicola Degara Anomaly Detection, Log Management, Machine Learning, NetEye, Unified Monitoring, Webinar

Neteye SIEM: processes and tools for IT Services Security 🇮🇹

Talking about IT security is now clearly synonymous with resilience! We are continuously and inevitably under attack… every organization must implement defensive principles and practices that avoid the worst damage and the least impact on its survival and development. From the data selection, to its collection and normalization, for its representation and analysis with techniques…

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05. 05. 2020 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Import Data Correlation and Automation with Icinga2 Director

A common scenario during the setup of a monitoring environment represents the import of Host and Service definitions from external databases or existing monitoring systems. This task can become quite complex when there are multiple external sources, and the data needs to be correlated. This was the challenge we faced during a recent project where…

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24. 04. 2020 Nicola Degara Events, NetEye, Unified Monitoring, Webinar

NetEye 4: novità nel monitoraggio unificato per l’infrastruttura IT 🇮🇹

La trasformazione digitale crea continue nuove sfide per la gestione IT. Sono ora necessarie tecniche di monitoraggio avanzate, distribuite, scalabili ed automatizzate per analizzare quantità sempre maggiori di dati. NetEye, nella versione 4, accetta la sfida! NetEye offre una piattaforma di controllo completa in grado di raccogliere dati sulle prestazioni da ciascun sistema, analizzandoli rapidamente…

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17. 04. 2020 Massimo Giaimo Asset Management, NetEye

Integrating phpIPAM into NetEye 4

Introduction In this article I will show you how to use phpIPAM (, an open source IP address management project, as an import source database for NetEye. The goal is to use hosts you have already configured separately in phpIPAM and import them into NetEye. This allows you to take advantage of the powerful and…

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16. 04. 2020 Franco Federico NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Monitoring Users’ Online Experience when Ordering during the COVID-19 Emergency

After the government recently passed a law asking everyone to limit travel and gatherings, I decided to only shop online. I’m not alone in this – many other people decided to do this too, bringing the sites that provide these services down to their knees, since a large number of users were all trying to…

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31. 03. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to Configure Telegram Notifications on NetEye

In a previous post, Valentina showed us how to configure Slack Notifications… and here I will similarly show you how to configure Telegram notifications on NetEye. Create a Telegram Bot A very easy way to create a bot on Telegram is through … another bot 😉 BotFather is a Telegram bot dedicated to the creation…

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31. 03. 2020 Mirko Bez Log-SIEM, Unified Monitoring

Real-Time Event Monitoring With Tornado

In this blog post I will describe a potential use of Tornado to monitor events in near real-time, while keeping historical information about the received events. Use Case Often as a user I want to collect data from different sources, e.g. Windows events, and then according to some simple rules set the status of some…

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27. 03. 2020 Andrea Avancini Business Service Monitoring, NetEye

NetEye Automatic Provisioning in vSphere — Part 3

In the previous blog post in our #devops series, we discussed how to automatically provision a NetEye cluster with virtually zero hassle. Thanks to Ansible, in fact, we dramatically reduced the amount of manual effort needed to generate a fully working cluster. This, in turn, opened up an opportunity to boost our cluster testing infrastructure…

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23. 03. 2020 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring iSeries Hosts with NetEye

Last week I had to implement monitoring checks for a customer’s host running an IBM iSeries server. As the monitoring for that is a bit particular, I’d like to share what I did, and also share with you an Icinga2 Basket containing the monitoring structure. Where to Find the Necessary Files You may download the…

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13. 03. 2020 Luca Franzoi Bug Fixes, Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Bug discovered on NetEye module logmanagement and SIEM

A bug has been discovered on NetEye modules logmanagement and SIEM. If affected, rsyslog directories on system might be created with wrong permissions causing Logstash to be unable to load log lines of some hosts inside Elasticsearch. Users might also receive an error message trying to check signatures for some hosts inside Logmanager Log Check….

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19. 02. 2020 Thomas Forrer Events, NetEye, Service Management, Unified Monitoring


Yes, we did it again! As every year FOSDEM is really inspiring for us, bringing important ideas and new solutions.

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14. 02. 2020 Andreas Foerster NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring SAP Systems Using NetEye 4

The Challenge: The automatic setup of around 80-90 SAP-Servers running several releases and flavors of SAP software in NetEye 4 by: Automatically importing SAP hosts, databases and instance definitions Automatically applying a set of basic services to each level of monitoring (OS, database, and SAP Basis) depending on the host, database and instance definitions imported…

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06. 02. 2020 Valentina Da Rold NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to Configure Slack Notification on NetEye

Notifications for service and host problems are an integral part of your monitoring setup, representing the responsive components of your monitoring system. You can configure actions based on changes in the status of monitored objects. While monitoring systems are incredibly useful for active interpretation and investigation, one of the primary benefits of a complete monitoring…

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14. 01. 2020 Luca Franzoi NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Using Nmap as an Import Source for NetEye 4

Depending on your network configuration it might be useful to import reachable devices in NetEye 4. This operation can be accomplished using the Nmap tool (already installed on your machine) and an Icingaweb module. Follow these steps to install the module: Download the archive from here Put the contents of the archive in the NetEye…

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