Blog Entries

11. 01. 2021 Gianluca Piccolo Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Use NetEye 4.15 JWT Built-in Authentication to use Fusion Inventory and GLPI

Use Case Suppose we want to trigger Fusion Inventory execution in a GLPI installation, where we can then use the Autonomous mode to import data into GLPI via a CURL request. Let’s see how JWT (JSON Web Token) can help us in NetEye 4.15. Prerequisites A NetEye 4.15 (or later) installation with the Asset module…

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28. 12. 2020 Rocco Pezzani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Cleaning up Your Certificate Inventory

Some of my customers make use of short-expiration SSL Certificates signed by Let’s Encrypt or similar services. Our company also makes extensive use of this kind of certificate, and in the near future most (if not all) of your SSL Certificates will in any event become like them as their expiration date approaches. Maybe some…

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23. 11. 2020 Rocco Pezzani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Certificate Inventory and Monitoring with NetEye

In the last 10-or-so years, the complexity of enterprise IT applications has greatly increased: each of them can span vertically with multiple (and complex) layers, and each layer can serve applications other than the one that it’s part of. And, obviously, each layer spans across several servers to increase performance and availability. This inevitably leads…

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17. 04. 2020 Massimo Giaimo Asset Management, NetEye

Integrating phpIPAM into NetEye 4

Introduction In this article I will show you how to use phpIPAM (, an open source IP address management project, as an import source database for NetEye. The goal is to use hosts you have already configured separately in phpIPAM and import them into NetEye. This allows you to take advantage of the powerful and…

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05. 08. 2019 Alessandro Romboli Asset Management, NetEye

Monitoring a Cisco Wireless Controller

Scenario Cisco WLC is widely used by many Enterprise Companies to manage their wireless networks due to its efficiency and advanced features. Its management web console has a wealth of configuration parameters, but it doesn’t offer a clear overview on what’s happening across the wireless network. Fortunately, a lot of real time information is available…

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28. 09. 2018 Franco Federico Asset Management, NetEye

How to Change the Default Language in OCS Inventory

OCS Inventory is part of our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye. Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation (OCS Inventory NG) is free software that enables users to inventory IT assets. OCS-NG collects information about the hardware and software of networked machines from the machines themselves running the OCS client program (“OCS Inventory Agent”)….

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30. 06. 2018 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Network Discovery and Asset Inventory: A Useful Comparison

Most of our customers know and use NeDi for network discovery and inventory, and GLPI for asset management. These NetEye modules have two important results, if they are implemented and used in the best way: Having an active discovery tool to identify each device connected to the company network: from the main network devices to…

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13. 03. 2018 Arianna Cunaccia APM, Asset Management, ITOA, Log Management, NetEye, Service Management

Out Now – The New NetEye & EriZone Training Program

Ready to take your IT process skills beyond the traditional?  Our new training offerings will help you acquire, maintain and improve your knowledge and skills around our solutions.  This year’s training program contains courses for NetEye, EriZone or Alyvix customers and partners, each lasting between 2 and 4 working days. The main focus will be…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Life Cycle Asset Management with GLPI and OCS Inventory

If you are using our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye, you probably already know about the potential of OCS Inventory and GLPI. However, often users are not aware of all the functionalities available in Life Cycle Asset Management. So let’s highlight some of the most important features to manage the entire life cycle of…

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13. 07. 2016 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye, Service Management

Asset Management in NetEye: Management of smartphones, tablets and SIM cards

[box] IT Asset Management (ITAM) entails collecting inventory, financial and contractual data to manage the IT asset throughout its life cycle. ITAM depends on robust processes, with tools to automate manual processes. Capturing and integrating autodiscovery/inventory, financial and contractual data in a central repository for all IT assets enables the functions to effectively manage vendors…

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23. 02. 2016 Tobias Goller Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Retrieving MS Office Keys

Sometimes you need the list of the MS Office keys of your company, in this cases it is quite useful that your inventory system is able to automatically retrieve them. You may need to recover the MS Offices keys because you have eventually lost them… Or because you became system administrator of a new company and you don’t…

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21. 01. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Würth Phoenix Training Calendar 2016

The new Würth Phoenix training calendar 2016 is now available. The training contents have been enriched to deepen your technical and professional skills.

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15. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Automating Switch Deployment

There are a number of solutions promising simple switch provisioning. However, in reality a tool is either complicated, unreliable or even both… Of course, the device can be configured prior physical installation, but this can get complicated in an enterprise network with many remote sites. Even more so, if a contractor without network skills is…

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15. 12. 2015 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, Downloads / Release Notes, Events, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 3.6 and RUE 1.9 Have Been Released!

Effective log auditing, meaningful reports and better integration of the single modules The new version NetEye 3.6 provides some substantial improvements, to respond to specific customer needs, as well as to satisfy the continuously growing requirements in the complex world of IT monitoring. Major investments were made in the fields of reporting and SLA measurement….

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21. 08. 2015 Tobias Goller Asset Management

Easy Switch Configuration Backup with NeDi

The network discovery tool NeDi does not only work as discovery tool for network devices like switches, routers and VOIP phones, it is also an excellent backup manager for switches.

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