Blog Entries

08. 07. 2024 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

Collecting Netflows – ntopng vs. ElastiFlow

In order to be able to carry out detailed network monitoring, an IT administrator naturally wants to know what is happening in his or her network. To obtain this information, the network flows must of course be analyzed. Many network devices offer the option of creating netflows, which are sent to a recipient who can…

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01. 07. 2024 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

It’s Time to Move from OCS to GLPI Agents + Exclusive GLPI News for You!

It’s been two years now since TecLib released GLPI 10, a completely redesigned version of the popular Asset Management system. It natively integrates an asset inventory server and is delivered together with inventory agents called “GLPI Agents”. These agents are available for the major operating systems, from Windows to Linux and Android. The GLPI inventory…

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27. 06. 2024 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Streamlining Icinga Director with Grafana

Icinga Director is a powerful configuration tool included in NetEye that streamlines the process of defining and managing monitoring configurations. However, you may encounter issues with duplicate addresses and spaces in hostnames, which can lead to confusion and monitoring inaccuracies. In this post, I’ll discuss these common problems and introduce a Grafana dashboard solution to…

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14. 06. 2024 Matteo Cipolletta APM, NetEye, Real User Experience, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

The Right Monitoring Tool: Elastic Synthetic Browser Monitor vs. Alyvix

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring optimal performance and availability of applications is critical. Monitoring tools like Elastic Synthetics Journey Monitor and Alyvix offer unique capabilities tailored to diverse needs. Understanding where each tool excels can help you choose the best solution for your requirements. Elastic Synthetic Browser Monitor: Strengths and Use Cases Elastic Synthetic Browser…

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03. 06. 2024 Mattia Codato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 4.36 Release Notes

Welcome to version 4.36 of our NetEye v4 Unified Monitoring Solution. Merano/Meran is welcoming you with its promenades and palms, gardens and parklands, castles and palaces, noble villas, and unique urbanscape. Always fascinating, Merano is a historical spa town where hospitality and tourism reside in its soul. Merano is about taking a morning walk through…

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06. 05. 2024 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

QUIC, What’s That?

As you may know, I do ntopng consulting, and support companies in their implementation of ntop solutions. For some time now, ntopng users have noticed a high amount of QUIC traffic in their respective networks. Most people don’t really know what QUIC is, which is why I’d like to take this as an opportunity to…

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30. 04. 2024 Franco Federico Unified Monitoring

Reacting with Remediation after a Service Goes Down

A customer last week asked me to implement the following use case: When a production PLC device (programmable logic controller) goes offline, any associated service must be automatically switched off, since it needs to connect to the PLC in order to exchange data from the source server, and for that the PLC must be active….

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30. 04. 2024 Andrea Mariani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Balancing Two NetEye Satellites with the keepalived Service

NetEye installations can be either in Standalone (Single Node) or in Cluster configuration, and for each one there’s the possibility to extend monitoring in segregated portions of the network or remote locations, or simply to be able to lighten the load of the master through the use of one or more satellites (the number of…

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11. 04. 2024 Alessandro Romboli Business Service Monitoring, NetEye, SLM

SLA Reporting on a Business Process

Scenario NetEye 4 is a comprehensive monitoring platform which natively supports Business Processes. A Business Process is an abstract view of a customer’s business from the Application point of view. Usually, it’s a collection of Icinga 2 checks aggregated by “AND, OR, At Least” logic in order to monitor whether a Business Application is really…

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02. 04. 2024 Mattia Codato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 4.35 Release Notes

Welcome to version 4.35 of our NetEye v4 Unified Monitoring Solution. NetEye 4.35 is welcoming you with a breathtaking view of the Lago di Carezza (Karersee). It is also called “Rainbow Lake”. The lake is unique as it gleams with all colors of the rainbow, which makes it a favorite destination for professional photographers and…

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25. 03. 2024 Franco Federico APM, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Migration from Alyvix Server to Alyvix Service

Beginning with NetEye version 4.26, Alyvix has been fully integrated into NetEye. Currently Alyvix within NetEye is implemented as the neteye-alyvix module, and is part of our Application Performance Monitoring (APM) world. We have Elastic with all the functionality of traditional APM, and then for synthetic monitoring we have Alyvix. In the past few weeks…

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20. 03. 2024 Attilio Broglio Unified Monitoring

How to Monitor the TOP N RAM-Using Processes

After developing a custom check for monitoring the most CPU demanding processes on Windows servers, we implemented a similar check for RAM usage. Like I described in that previous post, we built this command via PowerShell. PowerShell provides the cmdlet: Get-Counter that gets performance counter data directly from the performance monitoring instrumentation in the Windows…

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20. 03. 2024 Attilio Broglio Unified Monitoring

How to Monitor the TOP N CPU-Using Processes

During my last session with a customer, I faced an interesting and challenging issue in the Windows environment. The question was: “How can I monitor the list of the most CPU-demanding processes?” The request immediately looked like one that’s very simple to understand, but hard to implement. We look for something out of the box…

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14. 03. 2024 Attilio Broglio NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to Control Remote Devices from NagVis Maps via Tornado

This article stems from a project on the remote control of devices using NagVis maps. The main purpose is to find an easy way to actuate a remote device through a click on an interface. To do this, we implemented a method that uses Nagvis’ context menu by adding links. Clicking on them sends a…

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05. 03. 2024 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

nBox Mini

Every now and then I like to keep you up to date about news in the ntop environment. This time it’s not news about analysis methods or software, but about a new hardware solution. If you’re someone looking for a hardware-based, scalable, optimized, and purpose-built solution, without the hassle of software installation, chances are you’re…

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