Blog Entries

24. 06. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-pnp package version 0.6.21

The neteye-pnp package has been updated with this changes: – Updated to 0.6.21 – Fix in check_mssql_health template

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21. 06. 2013 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.5.4-1

Changelog: – fixed a bug that caused an error while creating a service group

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17. 06. 2013 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-syslogview-search-1.2.9-1

Changelog: – added templates for CISCO routers (successful and failed logins)

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13. 06. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes

Nagios BusinessProcess 1.0.6-0.9.6

With the introduction of the latest features of the Business Process module in NetEye 3.4 a BP Services provedes the following perfdata graphs: Availability: Graph showing the status OK – NOK of a servcie Status: The exit code of the graph ( OK, Warning, Unknown, Critical ) Services: The total number of services within a…

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13. 06. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes

NetEye SyslogView 2.0.11

For some system settings the date returned from the PGP key was not formatted in the EN-US format and the Syslog validation check gives a negative result. The message is that the signature is valid and the file was not altered, but the date of the signature is not clear. This fix addes an export…

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11. 06. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-nedi package 1.0.8-p2

The NetEye NeDi packages has been updated with this fix: – Fix to run as nedi from web

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10. 06. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting packages vesion 1.2.2

The NetEye Reporting packages has been updated with this fixes: – Fixed cronjobs – Added @TIMEPERIOD@ to SLA_TEXT – Added SLA_TITLE as 4th parameter for SLA lines

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10. 06. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes

Message Console 2.0.5 – Configuration Submit

This fix version 2.0.5 corrects the submit behavior of the “Configuration” tab. – No results view after the write of the host- and service templates – No post after contact-group assignment / unassignment.

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10. 06. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

New feature and fix release for neteye-thruk package 1.70.7-1

A new feature and fix release of the NetEye Thruk package has been released with version 1.70.7-1. This changes have been made: – updated to version 1.70-4 – added report scheduling for NetEye Reporting and Web-Urls to PDF – added orientation and zoom level for new report types – fix menu entries (url2groups) – added…

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05. 06. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Fix release of neteye-monarch package version 3.5.3-2

This changes have been made for this version: – Fixed servicegroups visibility on auth behaviour – Added space als generally permitted character – Added perl script to be able from commandline to commit and activate a nagios configuration from monarch

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05. 06. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Update Action Launchpad 1.4.3

With the enhancement release of the Action Launchpad version 1.4 a new DB authorization policy had been introduced. In this way also the Mysql permissions of user “nagios” had been cut. Since the cron Job Scheduler is running under this user, a permission denied was given for the Cron job itself. With this version also…

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04. 06. 2013 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-2.0.21-1

Changelog: – now the “manual config” checkbox is not shown if no manual config is possible. – added last login timestamp functionality – email and realname of GLPI module now fully integrated – bug fixes

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04. 06. 2013 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-3.4.6-3.5.0p2.nagios.1

Changelog: – integration for last login timestamp feature of configtool – bug fixes in automatic user creation

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04. 06. 2013 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-syslogview-search-1.2.8-1

Changelog: – added support for inline italian dates in syslogparser matching engine – bug fixes

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03. 06. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-3.4.5-3.5.0p2 package

The neteye (monitoring main) package has been updated. The main focus was the update of the nagios-core engine to the last stable versione 3.5.0. This patches have been applied: – patch for status.cgi to not limit results – patch for nagios inserting + into MACROS after reload – Update nagios to version 3.5.0 – Fixes…

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